My mum is living with me, aargghh


Active Member
May 25, 2008
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My mum lives with me as she had to move out of her house coz she was having financial difficulties. its all been going ok apart from the odd thing here and there but there is one thing really annoying me 2day

Its her day off, she got up just after midday and watched tv and then at 1.30 went and made herself lunch, thats fine, but now shes been sat on her backside since in her PJ's and it is really annoying me, I cant say anything coz it will coz a row but for goodness sake its 2.40 in the afternoon and its not her house, i dont want to sound mean but i wouldnt let my kids stay in their pjs until this time unless they are ill and its niggling me that she just isnt doing anything

sorry i just need to vent to get it off my chest, would this annoy anyone else or is it just me?
My Mum just has to breath to annoy me!

If its bugging you too much maybe you could ask her to at least get into comfy day clothes to set an example for your kids
She might be feeling down about her financial situation.. i'm sure a mother never thinks one day she is going to have to rely on her daughter for some help. Maybe she doesn't feel like getting dressed.

Even so though, she's a grown woman. If she wants to stay in her PJ's all day long let her. She's not hurting anyone by doing it. We all deserve a day in PJ's. I think your being a tad unfair but that just my opinion. If it is going to cause arguments then definately speak to her, rather that than you fall out with your own mum over something so trivial. :)
Hmmm, not sure, I think it would annoy me come to think of it. I think the lazing about would annoy me more than the pjs - especially if she was leaving me with extra stuff to do - washing up etc (having 2 kids already)

You could try the gentle approach and ask her if everything's ok - as someone else said, maybe she's feeling very down and not too good about herself. I do think it's worth talking to her if you feel this way as the last thing you both need is to have a big row.

All the best,
It may be because she is feeling down. I know when I feel down alot I cannot be bothered to get dressed and just lounge around. At the end of the day she is your Mum you only get one & she looked after you for all those years.

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