My Mum and Dad


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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I just wanted to share with you all the fantastic news I have just had. :D

My parents are both retired and have a house in the same village I live, and also a bungalow in Spain. Since they retired, they spend half the year in Spain (I don't blame them). They've been there since the end of March and were due to come back next week, then they were staying in this country until my baby is born. They've just rang me to tell me they are now not coming back until the first week in August. At first I was gutted, but now I am soooo happy!!!

They've sold the bungalow in Spain!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

They decided that they wanted to free up the money so they could do more in their retirement, and also want to spend more time with the family. They hadn't said anything until it was official, they hadn't even mentioned it to me or my brother, but they should be completing 4th August at the latest, then they are home for good. I am so happy!!! My mum is my best friend, and my dad is my own personal Google search engine - he knows everything!!! They'll be here for when LO is born, here to help us move house (whenever that will be!), here to help afterwards, and also to spoil Kayleigh rotten so she doesn't start to feel left out.

The next 6 weeks are going to drag by now, but then they'll be here 24/7!! :dance: :lol: :dance: :lol:

Finally, something is going right!!!!
Aww thats lovely news! Sounds like they've done the right thing putting their family first :D

Great news, its about time something great happened to you :D
That is fantastic news Tankett. I live about 2 mins either way of my Mum and Dad and my Sister and her family and I couldn't imagine it any other way!!
what lovely news tankett - my mum is my best friend too!!

Brilliant!!!!!!! You deserve something good to happen for once
Excellent. :dance: Really happy for you, its so nice to have good old Mummy around, I don't what'd do if mine wasn't 5 mins up the road. :D
ahh thats brill, it will be so nice to have them around when your babs arrives - you'll need them! x
Hey your parents move back to England the day i emigrate lol

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