
Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Helllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooo everyone!!! :wave: :wave:
Im back temporarily, nicked mils computer lol!! :lol:
God Iv been away for so long, welcome to all the babies who have popped out and HUGE congrats to all new mammas, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Am having withdrawal symptoms from comin back from Spain tbh, it was gorgeous and hot compared to the clouds of here but o well, its home! :roll:
Jamie fell asleep on the plane durin take off, I was convinced he would scream the place down but he was totally the opposite thank god! :D

His birthday party in Spain went soooooooo well, we had loads of Mikes family over and had a bbq on the balcony in the sun, bliss! I still cant believe hes a whole year old now, Im constantly amazed by him!!! :dance:

Hes doing really well, got more teeth poppin up and is now in training to become a sprinter – he is so fast I have constant races with him everywhere, in the park and supermarket mostly lol! His new thing is talking on the phone – holds the remote or mobile up to his ear and babbles and pauses lol – think he learnt that 1 off me!! :oops: :lol:

Am sortin out internet with virgin so we should be online soon but will be seein ppl for the meet on Monday woo woo!! :dance:

Hope everyone is well, I really miss comin on here cos I actually have to spend time with OH when Jam is in bed lol! :wink: :lol: :rotfl:
Hugs to all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kay xxx
aww hunni sounds like you had a really good time in spain,
you should have bought the weather back with you though :)
would have been nice.
im glad that things went well on the plane and his birthday was good :D :D :D

good to hear from you :)
Ta Robyn - ur so close to poppin!! the weather was lovely, i could quite happily live in that sun all year round!!

wtf - look at my ticker!! Jam has regressed to 2 weeks old lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:
haha i really dont feel close to popping at all,
and i want to, lol..
Yeah i could live there too, cant wait to go visit my dads friend whoa just moved in to like a massive place in the south of france :) itll be lovely.
wtf.. whats happened to the ticker, i didnt notice til you just said.
:wave: hello mk glad u enjoyed ur hols & jam had a nice birthday. nice 2 c u again. yeah u need a new ticker lol!
yay your back hun, i know we have been texting but just nice to see you back on here, i bet your missing spain id love to go there :D :hug:

Glad you and the little Jam man are good!!

Get some pics up of his birthday!!
Hey Hun :wave:

It's great to see you; we've missed you!

Sounds like you had a brilliant time in Spain and Happy belated Birthday to Jamie :D

He sounds like he is doing fantastic.

Looking forward to seeing you both on Monday :hug:
Yayyyyyyy....you're back!!!!
Glad you had a fab time in Spain, and so glad Jam had a good birthday......belated birthday wishes to him :D Was going to text you earlier as I was wondering how you were, but left my phone in car & C had taken it to work,.......oops!!! :roll:
Hope you are back on internet full time soon........we miss you :hug:

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