Helllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooo everyone!!!
Im back temporarily, nicked mils computer lol!!
God Iv been away for so long, welcome to all the babies who have popped out and HUGE congrats to all new mammas, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!
Am having withdrawal symptoms from comin back from Spain tbh, it was gorgeous and hot compared to the clouds of here but o well, its home!
Jamie fell asleep on the plane durin take off, I was convinced he would scream the place down but he was totally the opposite thank god!
His birthday party in Spain went soooooooo well, we had loads of Mikes family over and had a bbq on the balcony in the sun, bliss! I still cant believe hes a whole year old now, Im constantly amazed by him!!!
Hes doing really well, got more teeth poppin up and is now in training to become a sprinter he is so fast I have constant races with him everywhere, in the park and supermarket mostly lol! His new thing is talking on the phone holds the remote or mobile up to his ear and babbles and pauses lol think he learnt that 1 off me!!
Am sortin out internet with virgin so we should be online soon but will be seein ppl for the meet on Monday woo woo!!
Hope everyone is well, I really miss comin on here cos I actually have to spend time with OH when Jam is in bed lol!
Hugs to all
Kay xxx

Im back temporarily, nicked mils computer lol!!

God Iv been away for so long, welcome to all the babies who have popped out and HUGE congrats to all new mammas, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!

Am having withdrawal symptoms from comin back from Spain tbh, it was gorgeous and hot compared to the clouds of here but o well, its home!

Jamie fell asleep on the plane durin take off, I was convinced he would scream the place down but he was totally the opposite thank god!

His birthday party in Spain went soooooooo well, we had loads of Mikes family over and had a bbq on the balcony in the sun, bliss! I still cant believe hes a whole year old now, Im constantly amazed by him!!!

Hes doing really well, got more teeth poppin up and is now in training to become a sprinter he is so fast I have constant races with him everywhere, in the park and supermarket mostly lol! His new thing is talking on the phone holds the remote or mobile up to his ear and babbles and pauses lol think he learnt that 1 off me!!

Am sortin out internet with virgin so we should be online soon but will be seein ppl for the meet on Monday woo woo!!

Hope everyone is well, I really miss comin on here cos I actually have to spend time with OH when Jam is in bed lol!

Hugs to all

Kay xxx