My Milk has arrived!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi everyone this is my first baby and i wanted to bf, but i had a very fast labour - i had her friday and tryed everything to get milk out (7 hours) until she had just gone too long without a feed and had to be given formula (i was in hospital with mw's trying to help tell me how to get milk there and still nothing so they advised me she had gone too long). My milk didnt come in until today so ive got an expresser and going to try and give her some breast milk.
My mw warned me that due to her getting used to ff amounts if i got her on the breast i may end up topping her off with formula so im going to express as much as i can and then feed that first and then top off if needed.

Wish me Luck :) x
Good luck x don't be disheartened tho about the amount you're able to express. But if you feed her babies are much more efficient at emptying the breast than a pump. Hope you're getting on well tho Xx
Im really pleased with the experience it didnt hurt at all, couldnt feel a thing i got out about an ounce in total just did a couple of minutes on each breast like the instructions said, gave her all that then some formula to fill her up. At least she is getting some good tho! Im going to keep expressing at each feed i think eventually ill be up to full amount Breat milk and only a small amount of formula :D:D x
I could never express much until Kynon was about 6 weeks so don't worry. Babies have such tiny tummies about the size of their fist so don't need much to fill them, just keep putting her to the breast. Kynon still feeds every 2-3 hours!
I didn't know a quick labour could effect your milk, might explain why I had a few problems the first couple of days too!
I didnt think it made a difference but thats what they told me, like if someone has a c section it can take a few days for the body to realise apparently that can happen with a very fast labour too.... im just so glad i took in a bottle and 1 feed worth of formula for emergency! Midwife seems really pleased with what im doing i suppose its better than me just giving up! xx

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