My lost twin

Its no excuse im sorry but you cant punish others for your ttc problems, get upset in private yeh but dont be nasty especially as its not been easy for you and your going through i tough time. im sure if they where expecting you wouldnt be so crewl to her.

You can do whatever you want to remember the other twin, but you will never forget and when LO is older you can tell him/her that they where almost a twin and they will remember too. Its true if you hadn't gone for the early scan you may not have known but you did and do know and so its still hard.

Your much stronger than me well done for taking the harsh words without lashing back xx
I agree with redbear, I've just had my 2nd mc but I wouldn't dream of making hurtful comments to someone who is pregnant. My best friend is pregnant and I am overjoyed for her - if I have any feelings of sadness or envy I keep them to myself, it's not her fault what's happened to me and I would never take away from her the excitement and happiness she has. If people don't have anything nice to say they should just keep quiet!!!
Thanks ladies I totally agree when I thought I was loosing both of the twins as I was still bleeding/spotting before I had my scan on the 29th both sil and the other lady knew what was happening and both weirdly enough announced they may be pregnant we're excited and were taking tests - now I felt like saying please I don't want to know right now but I didn't I said oh fingers crossed I'm really happy for you. It's just the right thing to do! X
oh hun I'm so so sorry for your loss, it doesn't matter how many children you have left losing one still hurts the same *hugs* x
Oh my gosh!!!! You are not being silly at all!!!??? Surely the point is just that you have lost a baby, a miscarriage is a miscarriage, just because you still have one little bean doesn't take away from your loss, is this person always so stupidly insensitive???? I'm so sorry for your loss sweetie, you will always look at your child and wonder what his or her sibling would have been like that and your lost baby will always be a part of your life, grieve however you think you need to, maybe get a little momento or release a balloon when you LO is burn? Hugs xxxx
I am disgusted to read the things that people have said to you. You have every right to feel devastated and you need time to grieve for the loss of your baby. It must be incredibly hard to have lost one baby, knowing that you are still carrying his/her twin. The woman you describe asking about the scan photos needs a bloody good slap!

I don't understand why people would think that because the other one survives you won't be hurting. They wouldn't say to someone who has a child that dies, "oh well, you've got another two."

So very angry for you.

Sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. Big hugs. x
Thinking of u Hun I've just lost my little one to so know how u feel but u still have a lovely little one to look forward to and u well give he/she all the love u can still be upset by the loss of one and be happy u still have one to I wish u all the happiness this little one will bring u big hugs xxx

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