Hi, something to cheer you up, a little video that my husband made of my son in his babywalker, we even managed to get a professional voice-over which was good Check it out! Thanks!!
As a newbie this site won't let me post any links yet, but the video can be found on youtube, under my husband's channel name which is called Jezmax1. There's also a really funny one he's just posting now that we made on the day of my c-section some of which was filmed in the hospital and will definitely raise a smile!
Thanks again!!
As a newbie this site won't let me post any links yet, but the video can be found on youtube, under my husband's channel name which is called Jezmax1. There's also a really funny one he's just posting now that we made on the day of my c-section some of which was filmed in the hospital and will definitely raise a smile!
Thanks again!!