My little one is playing me up !!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hya everyone, feeling utterly fed up (sorry I know this is a bit of a habit!) I had to go into the hospital on friday as my babies heartrate was very fast, it settled down whilst I was on the monitor but when the mw palpated my tummy she said bubs head was high and she was lying oblique, so I had a scan. The sonogropher said the babies head was down and they sent me home saying the baby had an unstable lie and they sent a community mw in to check on sunday. Sunday came the mw said babies head was down but high go in to hospital on tuesday to re check, so today I go in and am having a 24 hour recording of my heart done because I have been getting palpatations, popped into the mat unit to be told she is oblique and high again, que another scan which confirmed this. Then a dippy doctor came in and had a feel, and said baby was head down (confused? you're not the only one)!, but 'i could feel him pressing on baby's head and knew that she hadnt changed position in the 10 minuites between examinations. He said come back tomorrow and we will check again if baby hasnt stayed head n pelvis( wasn't there anyway) they will admit me :cry: I don't want to go in. Why won't she put her head where it should be? feel like i am being passed from pillar to post, also have to have heart scan tomorrow to check if everything is ok with my heart and if it can cope with labour, I'm so tired of it all now :cry:
aww i had to have the 24hour heart tape a few weeks back as i keep fainting and being dizzy and passing out but they couldnt find anything wrong with me and they havent bothered with me since. whenever there is something wrong with me it is as if the staff are absoloutly clueless and useless. always changing their stories and diagnosis..really annoying. I hope they sort you out, and that there's nothing seriously wrong x
:hug: Ellie :hug:
I do hope you and LO stay well until birth day. I think it's good that they are monitoring you, to put your mind at ease, I hope it eases your mind, and as for LO's position, well that could change daily, so I hope you can relax and that LO is head down for the big day for you both, very best wishes :hug:
Aww Ellie :hug:

As far as i know my babas still not engaged,(feels like its popping in and out) at least they are keeping and eye on you, i was told a few contractions may well send it down there.

After your heart trace tomorrow at least you will know at least if it's safe for you to give birth normally (maybe with a little help?), chin-up girl, nearly at the end of it all now, you'll be a Mummy before you know it :hug:

Sorry your going through all this hun :hug: :hug: hope LO stays head down for you
Thanks again for all your messages, just the not knowing bit that drives me nuts!!!! well, I will update tomorrow when I am back from the hospital xxxxxxxxx
Good luck Ellie - I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a rubbish end to your pregnancy.

Keep us updated.


Valentine xxx
Sorry to read you are having a few problems with the way LO is laying. I hope your tests go ok today. Fingers crossed LO will settle down into the right position soon. :hug:

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