My little girl is all grown up!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Ok so maybe not, but have been struggling with getting her to sleep in her Moses basket during the day (fine at night) and have tried all sorts! She also cluster feeds from 7pm-11pm so I can never get anything done during the day or on a night!

So anyway just tried her with a dummy thinking she wouldn't take it and OMG straight to sleep in her basket, sucking away! It's so cute!

I'm going to try and not give her it too much but it feels so nice to have 5 mins!

So quick you have to sterilise dummies each time you use them? If so for how long? (what age until)!

Thanks ladies :) xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
I cant remember if there's any sort of guidelines. With my 1st I didn't give her a dummy til around 2 months, I'd give her a sterilised one in the morning & in afternoon & at night, so around 3 x a day it would be sterilised. I used to sterilise a bunch of them...maybe 6 & leave them in steriliser til needed. Also, if one falls on the floor i'd replace it too.

Done that until they tell you to stop sterilising, cant mind what age that is, might still be 6 months, which it used to be.

Fab thanks hun....I best be off dummy shopping!

Don't want her to be reliant on them but it's a relief to know she will have one if need be! X

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
my boys had dummies straight away they r a god send and was quite strict once they were able to b occupied they didnt need them other than to sleep !! and once they were at an age to understand took them off them completely xxxx
Thanks friends little boy who is 3 'gave' his away to Santa last year and has never had one since! Thought that was quite cute!

How long did u sterilise for? Out of interest? Xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!

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