My Last Post Probably For Awhile!


Active Member
Sep 21, 2006
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:cry: Well praying didnt work! crossing fingers didnt work i dunno wat would have worked! i took the test and well it came back NEGATIVE! im not pregnant and i stayed up all night last night crying and i still am crying this morning! so basically i dunno if im yea thanks for all the help!! Bye :cry:
you have your whole life ahead of you, so dont be :(

when the times right it will happen :)

theres more to life than dropping babies too. How about getting a job and learning about life :D

have a good one!
Good luck for the future - enjoy your life you still have lots of time for babies! - forum will probably still be here when you do get a bfp
Maybe it's for the best you have a whole life to live
enjoy it before you think about TTC

But i am sorry you din't get the result you were hoping for

Bye :wave:
Maybe it's a blessing hun. Get out there and live a little! Enjoy.x :hug:
Honestly, I know you don't want to hear it, but I think it's for the best that it was negative. You're so young, I think you should wait a few years before having children.

But there we go.

I'm sorry you're upset anyway. I think you should look at this as maybe a sign that it's not your time to be a mother just yet.

Please enjoy being young whilst you still have the chance.

Bye anyhow.
awww thats a shame you didnt get the result you were after. But seriously when your older and your out getting drunk with your mates, you'll be happy that you wont have to rush home to look after baby.

You have LOADS of time to have kids hun, have fun being you for a bit longer first. :D
good luck for the future
go out and enjoy your life a bit more hun before you think of ttc

good luck again

Hi Mindy,

Been reading your other posts and I think its probably for the best your test was are so young and the whole world is your oyster! You need to blossom into a young woman yet, you have at least another 30 years to have children!!!!

Treat this as a learning experience, I am sorry its not what you wanted but when you look back you will be relieved im sure.

Best of luck for the future x

Sorry you didnt get your BFP hun but you have loads of time , you dont wanna miss out on your teenage years im only 19 but the years leading up to it 15, 16, 17, 18 were the best wouldnt trade it for anything. Keep your head up and i wish you all the best.
Katrina :hug:

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