my hamster is a weirdo


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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this morning i went into my room (we hav a room each as well as a shared room, although i'm giving up mine 4 the baby!) and my hamster had escaped (again!), he was in his cage but it was detatched and he'd obviously been outside it, coz the bag of choc treats was empty and they were all in his bedding!

after changing his bedding and putting the cage back together i checked the room for damage (hamster owners will kno they can be buggers for shredding the carpet in all corners of the room and biting clothes into little pieces for luxury bedding!) and finding the pram and baby stuff intact i began preening myself (which is what i went into the room for in the first place). i noticed my mascara was missing, i was puzzled coz i couldnt imagine a hamster being interested in mascara anyway and i couldnt see it in his cage, but i couldnt be bothered searching for it.

this evening i decided to look because curiosity had got the better of me, so eventually i found it. it had been put inside the storage compartment in the pram, and the labels were peeled off and it was covered in hundreds of teeny tiny scratches! (so it feels grainy to the touch!) the hamster was definately the culprit, goodness kno's what he'd been up to last nite!

this is him
aw! adorable! I used to have a hampster called Dougal, then he died of diabetes :( it was probably the saddest day of my life because he was my baby, and then I had another called Georgie (Georgina) and she died of old age when I was on holiday and she was at a hampster carers :( My parents didn't tell me she had died because I was on summer camp and they didn't want to upset me so they waited til i was home.
awwww bless him :lol: certainly little monkeys arent they. many of carpet has perished to the teeth of my hammies in the past hehe
Hehe :D I think hamsters are so cute. :)

My hamster passed away a few years ago sadly but gave us a lot of fun whilst he was alive. One day he'd escaped from his cage and was missing the whole day. Some friends came over to visit and I told them about the missing hamster. My friend, she said she was petrified of the little furry things, turned out to be the one to find him! He was in the bathroom, behind the toilet and popped out whilst she was on it having a wee! What a shock for her. :shock: But a good laugh for us. :rotfl:

Does he actually run around the room 'freely'?? I had one as a child (as did my sister) and both mine and my sisters always had to be in the cage. We took them out to pet them but they had to go back in again, no running around the house. We did let the rabbit out in the living room once, it chewed through the telephone and computer wires in seconds of us letting him go....mind you the rabbit was after the hampsters - dunno why they were never allowed to run around freely!! :)
Lol, my parents got so annoyed with my hampster for the amount of carpet he'd chew up!

I remember he escaped from his cage one night but luckily the door of that room was closed so he basically ran around the whole night, chewed up carpet corners and then went back to his cage for bed!! I found him in his usual sleeping place in his cage the next morning with the cage door open!! Such a cutie! From then on I had to padlock that particular door of his cage because he could push it open at free will :lol:
Skyla said:
aw! adorable! I used to have a hampster called Dougal, then he died of diabetes :( it was probably the saddest day of my life because he was my baby, and then I had another called Georgie (Georgina) and she died of old age when I was on holiday and she was at a hampster carers :( My parents didn't tell me she had died because I was on summer camp and they didn't want to upset me so they waited til i was home.

:( :cry: That happened to my mouse. I went to stay with my grandparents for 2 weeks when i was 14 and asked my sister (who wa 10) to feed/water/change my mouse, Rolo, while i was away and she didnt and he died :cry: :cry: I cried for a week. I still feel sad to this day 13 years later!

Thats so cute!! we always had the teddy bear hamsters had about 5 as kids then our female had two litters so we had tons of little ones, then my dad didnt want to give the babies up so we kept most of them.
They are cute pets , but very fragile.


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