My friends situation


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Hi all,

wondering if you can give me advice.

My friend went into hospital on christmas day at 32 weeks as she has bad pain and bleeding.
They told her she would have to stay in til the baby is born as the bleeding is really bad and has clots.
She had an Em scan today and the placenta is coming away and her waters are slowly leaking and having contractions. They said they would keep an eye and if it gets worse they will have to deliver.
What are the chances of baby being ok? At the scan baby measured 32cm's.
I'm really worried for her :(
My SIL was in a similar position not so long ago and I asked the same question - she was also 32 weeks and everyone here reassured me that at 32 weeks baby has a good chance. They would have to go to SCBU for a while but survival rates are good. Hope your friend and her baby are ok. :hug:
Im pritty sure that after around 28 weeks there is something like 95% chance of survival or it may have been 99% but either way im sure that at 32 weeks the baby will be ok :hug:
Thanks everyone,

They told her they wanted to keep baby in til 34 weeks, but obviously when the scan showed the placenta problem they said they are taking it day by day. He is happy on the monitors etc.

Lets hope he bakes a little longer, don't think it will be alot longer as her waters are leaking! :? :(
hopefully baby will stayn in a bit longer, but if not theres a great chance bubs will be alll ok :hug:

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