My First Night Out........Yippeeee - Can I Drink???


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Going out with the girls tomorrow afternoon till early evening and I cant wait, its my first time out since having Maia and I sooooo need it. Hubby has most Sat afternoons out at footy so he gets his time out quite regular with going to work as well, but I dont have any such luxury.

My mum is looking after her till hubby gets back from footy so I have built up a supply of EBM as she will need 2 feeds while im gone (first time my Mum has looked after her as well).

I know I am supposed to only have 2 units of alcohol whilst breastfeeding but do you think it would be ok to say have 2 or 3 small glasses of wine and then express when I get home and throw the milk away? I would really like to have a bit of a drink but I dont want to give Maia wine infested milk.
I hope you have an amazing time!

I think you'll be fine to have a few glasses of wine, pump and dump when you get home, then feed as normal the next day. Just lay off the shots and the spirits!

Have a brilliant time, you really deserve it.

Valentine Xxx
i've been known to partake in a few beverages every now and again. i just make sure that i'm not going to be feeding connor any time soon afterwards (i leave expressed milk ready for him, and have emergency formula on standby just in case) - i don't think there's actually any need to pump and dump although you may prefer to. ... lcohol.htm

have a great time!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I hope you had a great time! Dumping the boozy milk is absolutely fine and a great way to mean that you can go out and enjoy yourself :dance: :dance: :dance:

Just so you know, a small glass of wine in a pub or restaurant will be 175ml which is 2 units of alcohol. A large glass is 3 units. So 2 or 3 small glasses of wine is 4 to 6 units.
My friend the pharmacist says that there is STILL no scientific evidence that alcohol gets into breast milk!!
I have a glass of wine tbh because I enjoy it but I dont take the piss. Its like everything else, in moderation.

Have a good one :cheer:

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