my fear list


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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i have several fears about being pregnant and having another baby some may seem petty but they are my fears non the less so i am going to be completely honest and share them with you.
1. My legs are getting very fat and im only 14 weeks, im gonna be huge by the time i have baby :cry:
2. I have gone from a 36c to a 38dd already, im gonna look like Dolly Parton without the figure :evil:
3. SPD is already kicking in and im having trouble walking, if i cant walk im gonna get even fatter :evil:
4. What if my waters burst in public :oops:
5. Or worse baby is born in public, it is number 7 after all :oops:
6. ok here goes, im scared baby will be ugly, yes thats right ugly, i cant help it but it is a genuine fear :oops:
doesnt anyone else have any fears or worries, am i the only nutter here who worries about stupid things? :wall: :oops:
hennaly said:
6. ok here goes, im scared baby will be ugly, yes thats right ugly, i cant help it but it is a genuine fear :oops:

There's no such thing as an ugly baby so you can cross that one off your list. :D .
Lol have you never looked at a baby and thought omg how ugly is that :wink:
:lol: . Well, ok I might have thought it but never said it out loud :shhh:
One of the things my FIL said to us after Lucy was born: "well at least you didn't have one of those ugly babies" !!! :shock: Gee thanks!!

I don't have any fears like that, I guess more to do with how will it affect Lucy having a baby about and will I be able to spend enough time with her etc.
I think we all have fears. Mine are:

Im worried about having a serious crohns flare during the pregnancy which may put baby at risk

Im worried that the food im eating (due to the crohns) isnt healthy enough for the baby

Im worried that once the baby is born i will flare and end up in hospital leaving my OH to look after the baby (whilst somehow bringing money in). This could then result in surgery which would involve an ileostomy (bag)

TBH i dont care how much weight i put on, how many stretch marks i get just as long as me and the baby are healthy (as can be). Oh.. but i would like a pretty baby if possible! lol

Claire x
one of my fears if having to have a section. i would so much rather have the pain giving birth than have to cope after having a section. its my personal fear, but of course if baby needs to come out that way, then that's the way she'll come out lol

others i wouldn't say are fears, but are just worries.

coping with two children under 18 months, with benjamin just turning 4 and starting school the month before baby is born.

that i will have to be scanned each week again in the 3rd tri because oliver didn't grow well in the womb and i had to be induced.

and how will i split my time between three children!!! and a fella!!!!
hennaly said:
Lol have you never looked at a baby and thought omg how ugly is that :wink:

First thing I said about my son was OH MY GOD HE IS SOO UGLY!!!
He was high on the pethadine they gave me waaaayyy too late and was pulling this awful face making a Horrible groaning noise, luckily once they had him stable he just looked like a normal newborn.

We all have silly fears I think for me they whittle me more than some of the big problems that could happen.
its natural to have fears, everyone has them. Mine are that I won't bond with baby when their born. Although I feel we share a bond now, I'm worried it might disappear after the birth. That probably sounds really daft and silly! :oops:
I'm gonna try and give birth in Marks & Spencer's... I knew someone that did that (or her waters broke in there or something) and she got a lovely hamper from them, quality stuff in M&S.... don't waste the opportunity by dropping in the £ shop!!!! :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I'm gonna try and give birth in Marks & Spencer's... I knew someone that did that (or her waters broke in there or something) and she got a lovely hamper from them, quality stuff in M&S.... don't waste the opportunity by dropping in the £ shop!!!! :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
ooh cool i wipe that off my list then and start lurking :rotfl:
Apparently if your waters break in Sainsburys, you get free nappies for a year :shock:
My friend was in there three times a day after her due date :roll:
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I'm gonna try and give birth in Marks & Spencer's... I knew someone that did that (or her waters broke in there or something) and she got a lovely hamper from them, quality stuff in M&S.... don't waste the opportunity by dropping in the £ shop!!!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
that really made me laugh!!
My fears are all health related :roll:

That baby is not healthy (havent had anomaly scan yet so this is praying on my mind)

That Im not healthy (havent had bloods taken yet,so THIS is on my mind)

That baby will be prem

These are all my fears, wish they would go away!! :shock:

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