My eyesight has improved??


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
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This is sooo weird. I've been wearing glasses/contacts for 5 years. Without them tv and things far away are a fuzzy mess. I noticed today the birds in the garden weren't any clearer when I put my glasses on.

Then just now, I was watching tv and I can see everything perfectly without glasses. I got hubby to hold up random books, papers far away and I could read them all. I haven't told hubby yet I'm pregnant, telling him on Valentines day.

Its just amazing, has anyone elses vision improved? I had to stick my fingers in my eyes to check I hadn't put lenses in and forgotten about them. Might go back to normal after baby is born but for now its totally amazing!!! I can see, wooohoooo!!!
I wore glasses from I was 15 and was wearing them full time for the last few year (short sighted). I went for check up in 2009 and my lenses had to be made WEAKER
Don't know what happened last post cos I hadn't finished. :-(

In 2010 I noticed that I wasn't comfortable wearing the glasses/lenses and went back for another check up. During this check up I was told that my eyes had virtually corrected themselves to the point that I didn't need glasses. So after 23 years of wearing glasses/lenses I'm back to wearing none :) The downside is I will probably end up wearing them in the future because of long sightedness this time but in the meantime just make most of saving wee bit of money by not paying out for glasses/lenses :)
Hi girls I hope I can help you with this one. The change in eyesight that Dawn describes is fairly normal if you become shortsighted it usually starts in your teens or early 20s and gets worse for a while and then is more stable for a few years. When you reach your mid 30s it often improves (as people start to become more longsighted at this point, normally needing reading specs by mid 40s) so if your not very badly short-sighted (like less than -1.50) then your eyesight can totally correct itself for a few yrs although as you said Dawn you eventually need reading specs in your 40s.
ss79 your change in vision sounds like it has come on more suddenly with your pregnancy. This might be due to hormonal changes which can cause changes in the fluid level in the lens in your eyes and sometimes cause rapid worsening or improvements in spectacle prescription. They can be permanant but are more often temporary and can change up and down a bit before settling so if your worried see your optician but get their advice before spending money on new specs if they say it's changed because it might change again quite quickly. Hope this helped and wasn't too confusing.

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