My ears cant take anymore!!!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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OMG!!!!! :wall:

Islas started feeding every hour which is hard enough, but shes SCREAMING for a feed, taking a few gulps,then screaming really loud, spitting the teat out..she then screams till I put it back in...and here we go over and over and over again! :(

I wind the life outta her, she has infacol...but she still screaming.
I have the variable flow teats, but when it gets to the end of a bottle (which takes forever), shes swallowing too much and fighting me...but still hungry.

I cant take anymore, what could it be? Shes not vomiting anything up. Gripe water and dentinox dont work for her, Im all out of ideas! Shes not raising her legs, and she burps fine, but its just this screaming and fighting!

Nothing else seems to calm her, execpt for milk...for those few gulps.

Please help Im about to drive myself into a tree :cry:
Ive not slept and she was at it all night, and now all today, I cant leave her cry as she gets so worked up she starts coughing loads. What am I doing wrong? :(

The teat might be too fast for her... Phoebe never got on with the variflow ones as her suck was just too strong.

I'd first of all try swapping to a slow teat.

What bottles are you using? If you aren't already, maybe try getting a Dr. Brown's bottle to try. They are fiddly to wash, but a god send for windy babies. They also have one of the slowest teats on.

Could it be that she just wants to suck? I think it was around about Isla's age that I realised that she wasn't always hungry, so we gave her a dummy. (As much as I didn't want to, it saved my sanity :lol: ).

If all of that is tried and failed... my last thought would be that it could be 'silent reflux.'

Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions, I went through exactly the same with Phoebe. And remember one thing - you are NOT doing anything wrong :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tried Dr difference, and her dummy..well she just spits it out and screams again :(

Shes just slept for ten minutes...I thought it was gonna be a good nap so started cooking some pasta (havent had time to eat a meal in days)...and shes ramping up to scream again..... :cry:

Might get a slower teat, although think these TT bottles already came with it and it still happened. Just dunno what to do anymore :(
Have you got a good HV?

If so have a chat with her, it still could be silent reflux. It could also possibly be a milk intolerance - babies can associate pain with feeding time.

A baby really shouldn't cry ALL day - Is there any pattern to her screaming? Is it very high pitched?

Phoebe's used to start 1-2 hours after a feed, or if she was asleep (laid down). She literally used to cry 18 hours a day, in fact, maybe more. She too used to fight every feed, people looked at me as though I was force feeding her... It took 5 trips to the GP to get her diagnosed with reflux. She wasn't sick loads either, and was putting on weight fine so they weren't bothered.

I think that your HV can 'suggest' that you try Infant Gaviscon,, which can be bought from the chemist. Normally within a few days you'd know if it was working - it took us maybe up to a week.

I think Coreysmummy's LO has silent reflux... She'd be able to give you more advice on the signs. My LO was more of an exorcist style puker (just not all the time).
:hug: :hug:
Thanks for your advice hun, it means a lot :hug:

It starts halfway through a feed and goes on for about three hours after....its just constant
Its not high pitched, more a frustrated shout/scream. She did projectile vom at the beginning but thats stopped for may be right on the silent reflux thing :think:

Will chat to my HV, thanks again :hug:
It's ok :hug:

I remember feeling so helpless, feeling like it was my fault and was made to feel like a paranoid first time mother with a baby that had 'colic.'

Let me know how you get on x :hug:
Aww hun I wish I could help! :hug:
I know nothing of reflux and silent reflux but sounds similar to what others have said!
What milk is she on?
I agree about the teats too! If you use comfort milks then try using a #2 teat! Not to fast but doesnt get blocked by the thicker milk!

I hope you find a solution soon hun as Laracomps said, a baby shouldnt cry all day! Its must be terrible! Lucky for me when Lola started with colic, all I really needed to do was change her milk! But dont know how I would cope if she was still screaming all the time like she did for them few days! :hug: :hug:
That sounds a bit like what Molly was doing until we tried her with Gaviscon, she'd be OK for her first feed of the day but about 2 hours later she'd start screaming and wouldn't stop until bed time, mostly she just screamed herself to sleep during the day, then woke up about 10 minutes later and started again. She could never be consoled, just screamed and clawed at whoever was holding her.

I went the drs, they told me it was colic but she had quite a few symptoms of silent reflux and has always been really good with her wind with no other colic symptoms so I tried Gaviscon and she is like a totally different child. So happy, drinks a full bottle without fuss and cries much, much less.

You could give the Gaviscon a go, it's worth a try.
:hug: :hug:

Perhaps Isla could have a lactase deficiency? :think: have you tried colief? Its been a godsend with Kai. He was doing something similar, just crying constantly all day, not sleeping for naps and being extremely fussy when feeding but demanding to be fed every hour or so. Colief helps to break down the lactose in the milk allowing them to digest their food easier, easing discomfort. If Isla has a lactase deficiency then this will really help.

Its really expensive though, £10 but worth every penny, but you can get it on prescription.

Good luck finding something that helps :hug:

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