My Due Date Today


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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today is my due date and i really want little one to come x x

its also the day me and OH met 9 years age x x x so would be lovely to have him today x x
Happy due date suzzi, hopefully not much longer for you x
aww that would be so lovely :love: hope ur lo makes an appearance xx
thanks guys x feel bit depressed as not had any signs over the last few days that anything is happening x
might take dog on a long walk see if things get moving x x bloody hot curry didnt work last night lol xx
Happy due date hun, hope baby doesnt keep you waiting too long xx
Happy due date!!!
Here's hoping things get moving for you today:)
Happy due date! Hope things start for you soon x x
thanks guys x feel bit depressed as not had any signs over the last few days that anything is happening x

I know how you feel hun, such a special date yet nothing happens. But you never know that could all change. Same thing happened to me all the twinges and signs were absent from about 2-3 days before due date.
happy due date!
hope ur not waiting too long :)
happy due date!! fingers crossed!!! xxx
Awwww, i hope it happens for you today, that would be a lovely day to remember. xx
Happy Due date - hope things start moving for you today :)

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