My complaining worked!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I got sky HD fitted at the end of last week and well - to cut a ong story short, the engineer was an ass! He came in and complained about our equipment (Brian has it all wired through some fancy receiver thing - `dont ask me confusses me :lol: ) then once he had it fitted I asked him about the fitting the phone line to it as the call centre person said he would do - he made such a fuss of it I basically told him to forget it and leave - which he did after a good 10min after him arguing with me - and when he did leave he slamed my door behind him :evil:

Anyway, I called Sky once he left to complain and was told to do it by email - I think they were hoping I would drop it - but me being me - NO WAY!!! Straight on the laptop typing a complaint letter or all complaint letter :evil:

Well, Sky have just called me and apologised for the service I received and told me they will send an engineer round on Tuesday to finish the job correctly (phone line) that it has been marked on my account never to send the first engineer to mine again :cheer: and.... the best bit.....

4 months free Sky, inc up 5 box office movies a month!! :dance: :dance: I am soooo happy... If you think I am near £40 a month for my sky so thats near £160 free!!! plus the box office - which I have no idea what that costs as I never use it - but I will be now! :cheer:
Wheeee lucky you! :cheer:

We haven't used box office for a few years now, but it used to be about £4 per film! Well done, I hate when people moan about doing their job properly. Hope he got his wrists slapped.
Thats great!!

Hope that Sky guys next poo is a jaggy one! :shakehead:

Kim x x x x x
Well done you :cheer: I have Sky coming tomorrow to sort my Sky+ in new house, wonder what I can complain about? :think: :wink:
nice one hun, sky are complete twats until you do something they feel could threaten your costom with them then sort it out then, thjey were trying to charge us 65 quid for an engineer to come and LOOK at our sky box, wed have had to pay for a new one if it was damaged, we said wed leave it and move to virgin, engineer and new sky box for £15, minted!!
Yay nice one babes!!! i was quite angry on your behalf when you told me last week!

Least you got a great outcome!
My Step dad works installing for sky (very near to you actually!!) and I know for a fact that they have to be extreamley careful about giving good customer service, they usually give out personal phone numbers to ensure if you have any problems you speak to them rather than the call center as its a black mark against the team if there are problems, he will be in serious trouble :shock:

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