my colostrum has run out!

he normally has a really good latch, but i think his standards slip a bit when he's been feeding for hours, sometimes he hurts me at night cos he's not on properly. i wonder if his screaming is frustration at not being able to get the milk as easily due to us both being tired.
its only ever after several hours of constant feeding i experience any problems. during the day he's really calm and content.

he's been sleeping a lot more between feeds so far today rather than feeding constantly so i hope he'll be in a better mood tonight :pray:
had a much better night last night. logan went a couple of hours between feeds during the day and didnt start the constant feeding till late evening.

he was quite fussy and cluster feeding in thr early hours but wasnt as distressed as usual, didnt need to give him a bottle, he fell asleep eventually :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

he's getting weighed today :shock:
he's 8lb 5 oz now, was 8lb 13oz at birth. he's lost 260g, midwife says its within 10% so not to worry
perfectly normal fopr babioes to lose weight, the target is usually birth weight within 2 weeks but every baby is different. Try not to get over concerned about weight gain, and just relax and enjoy feeding him, it sounds as though you are doing great! :hug:
had another good night. went to bed at 1am, he cluster fed till 3am while i dozed. He slept for an hour then woke up at 4am for another feed. Then he slept through. when i woke at 9am he was awake but not making a noise. i offered him the boob and he had a good feed.
since then he's been going 1.5-2 hours between feeds and feeding for just under half hour :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
logan was weighed yesterday and he's put on 140g since wednesday. he's only 120g away from his birth weight now :dance:

today he's been attached to my boob all day again. how do you get anything done when breatfeeding? poor james is getting neglected as im always attached to logan :shock:
I would read with Seren, watch a dvd with her or we would sing songs together. Now she likes to feed her dolly and wind her afterwards :lol:
It is difficult I found it hard keeping up with DS feeding whilst trying to look after DD, but at least I had one hand free whereas if I'd been bottle feeding I'd have been tied up with both.
I know that your DS is older but would he be interested in having seperate toys that come out when you're feeding LO? Or could he sit up with you whilst you're feeding so you can still do things together?
Once you're confident feeding then you could sling and feed plus as LO gets older he'll start feeding for less time less often (but that's probably not going to be for a little while yet).

It does get easier :hug:

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