My boobs hurt :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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YOu know when you are first pregnant in tri 1 and your boobs just feel sooooooo tender. Well that went around 13 weeks or so. But today they feel really hard and sore :(

I have never had this with my girls pregs i only ever got sore boobs at start and after birth once milk set in!!

Unless my boobs can here a baby crying miles away i dont know what is going on lol :rotfl:

Has anyone elses gone like this later on in preg?
maybe its ur milk coming in early???
If it is maybe its a good sign of early milk early labour lol My hubby is already sick of me snoring loads now in bed, Now he is going to wake up in wet patches too :rotfl: :puke:

Such a great wife he has lol.
ok noone warns u how u feel when ya milk comes in , my boobs killed more then ever before , i was feverish and cold , and felt sick and rubbish ! and it happened over night , u dont even wanna know what that t-shirt looked like :rotfl:
:rotfl: here starts the leaking from both ends i take it :( Anything for my little man though really
mine are leaking if i squeeze them, but they dont hurt at all...i was hoping thats a good sign and means they wont hurt when i breastfeed...wishful thinking ??? lol
mine feel heavy from time to time but usually fine, I'd say milk coming in or hormone release? You've not got a blocked duct or mastitis have u?

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