My son Isaac arrived saftly after 24hrs labour and 1 mild epidural lol
weighing 8lb 14 onz on 11.11.2008 at 3.50am.
He goes every 4 hrs for his milk just struggling to get him to settle to sleep so im like a zombie typing this lol
But he is beutiful and the labor wasnt too painfull untill end wen he had his back to my back..i didnt need an assisted delivilry thank god..
My son Isaac arrived saftly after 24hrs labour and 1 mild epidural lol
weighing 8lb 14 onz on 11.11.2008 at 3.50am.
He goes every 4 hrs for his milk just struggling to get him to settle to sleep so im like a zombie typing this lol
But he is beutiful and the labor wasnt too painfull untill end wen he had his back to my back..i didnt need an assisted delivilry thank god..