My beautiful niece :0)

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Here she is, Olivia Grace piccie taken tonight..
She is doing really well, having her mummys milk through her feed tube now. Her legs are less swollen now, the scan results show there is no damage to them so they should straighten and the pain should soon go..

Sis is coming on in leaps and bounds, she looks amazing, so much better and brighter. She is enjoying opening baby gifts, and walking to SCBU when ever she wants to now to spend time with her little daughter

I am proud beyond belief of them both and cant wait to get them home for Christmas :cheer:

Here she is....

Awwww bless her so glad she is doing so well! She looks like she is doing well babe :hug: xxxx
She is the biggest in SCBU, there ar so many wee ones in there..Olivia is only in there now till they sort her feeds, and as sis is expressing now, it shouldnt be long till hopefully they get a routine and she can go home

I cant believe how perfect she is, she held tight to my finger tonight which reduced me to a blubbering wreck!! God help me when its my own little one :rotfl:
zoe c said:
She is the biggest in SCBU, there ar so many wee ones in there..Olivia is only in there now till they sort her feeds, and as sis is expressing now, it shouldnt be long till hopefully they get a routine and she can go home

I cant believe how perfect she is, she held tight to my finger tonight which reduced me to a blubbering wreck!! God help me when its my own little one :rotfl:

aww bless you i know how it feels :cry: dont start me off
Awww - bless her! She looks so sweet and peaceful!
L x
Awww what a cutie !!! :angel: Glad your sis is feeling better :hug:
What a cute little squlesh :angel:
Glad to hear your sister is well on the mend too, and looking at that little bundle of cuteness, no wonder! :cheer: :cheer:

Take care,
Bev x x
Lovely looking little baby Zoe!! She is so pretty, thankies for the piccie message :D
JaidyBaby said:
Lovely looking little baby Zoe!! She is so pretty, thankies for the piccie message :D

Of course, she has her Aunties genes, we are from the same gene pool :lol: :wink:

I am so excited now to see what my LO looks like, I keep staring at my tummy thinking "are you a boy or a girl"? "do you look like me or your dad"...Its crazy to think we will soon be meeting for the first time..

My sis was saying last night how she has never loved anything so much, and the feeling is indescribable....I cant imagine how it feels and I cant wait :cheer:

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