My back hurts!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Waaaa - right under my shoulder blades and round the side. I've fiddled with my bra and it seems to be fitting correctly so the causes are either:

1. I've been sitting at the computer for too long, but I'm got my final essay for my degree due in in 2 weeks and i need to sit at the computer to write it! I take lots of walking around breaks and am only sat down for 20-30 mins at a time.

2. my bra doesn't fit correctly but I've fiddled with my bra and it seems to be fitting correctly.

3. baby is stuck in my ribs and the muscles arn't coping with the expanded rib cage at all - move down baby!!! I know he's riding high and the bump starts straight under my boobies.

4. the extra weight from my boobs and bump are giving me a bad back.

I swear I'm going to live in the swimming pool! the weightlessness is lovely - lol

Other than this drastic measure any other suggestions for releaving back ache? or should I just resign myself to 6 more weeks of pain.
I get pain in my left shoulder blade that also pushes through to the front with heartburn, maybe you could try Gaviscon and see if that relieves it
My back hurts high up today as well but I'm sure baby has moved up really high in the night, I struggled out of bed today for the first time! I always thought back pain in pregnancy would be low down!

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