my baby's got a lump :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Kobi is 2 weeks old and the other day i noticed h had a smallish lump at the bottom of his ribcage right in the middle between the two sets of ribs, i mentioned this to my MW and she reckons it's part of his sternum?. well to me this lump is spongey not boney and it has definitely grown in the past few days, kobi is not distressed when i gently push the lump and when i do press it it moves and then 'springs back'. i don't know if you can have a hernia that far up?, do you think i should take him to the docs? thanx girlies xx
If you are worried then take him. There is no harm in getting a second opinion. I probably would.
Where exactly is it? I would recommend not pushing it at all until you've had it checked xxx
it's right at the bottom of his breast bone..doyou know if you can get hernias that high up?
My LO had a lump similar to this, right in the mid line, kind of in line with where his ribs finish. It seemed to be most obvious when he was upset, crying etc. When I felt it it didn't feel particulary hard, just spongy as you say. I thought it was a hernia and took him to the doctors, the doc said it wasn't a hernia as it wasn't deep enough and was most probably just some weak muscle tissue. It has since disappeared (he was 8 weeks when I took him to the doctors, he's now 26 weeks).

Doc also said that alot of baby hernias disappear on their own, and don't always need an operation. If surgery is needed, they don't do it until the baby is at least 2 years.

Best for you to get it checked to put your mind at rest though :hug:
i would go to the docs for reassurance, hope he's ok :hug: :hug: :hug:

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