my baby wont sleep


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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this is the third day of constant activity. I dont understand.. are they not suppose to sleep like 90% of the time?
Hes not still for more then top an hour at time! And also as the kicks are getting harder i it does sort of hurt abit. Im happy hes moving about but im just worried hes trying to turn around again.
It was about 3 weeks ago now i felt he was turning head down but now hes grown maybe hes trying again just not really enough room?

I bet you tho that he will be so exhousted by tonight when OH comes around so he will not feel a thing.. :wall2:

anyone else got a hyperactive baby in there?
Mine has really activie times and then long quiet times. How do you know if baby has moved head down? stupid question I know. I can feel mine moving and kicking but cant really tell what position he/she is in yet, is that normal? x
one morning he was mucking about so much my tummy was stretching and i could feel he was doing some big movements and it was going on for a while i was just laying there (it was about 6am and there was no way i could sleep with him turning around)
then the kicks was up in my ribs instead of down low so i asumed he had turned. And at the MW before he turned he was laying sort of sideways and now yesterday she confirmed he was head down :D
Mine goes through phases. Some days are quieter than others. Last night he was going a bit nuts..he was squirming on the side of my belly and it was really tickling me lol

He tends to sleep when I do though which I'm hoping is a good thing!
isobel, ever watched a baby sleep the night? they have these lil reflexes and jerky movements, end up hitting themselves quite alot too apparently, ive heard lots of people swaddle because they baby ends up waking himself up with it!
i'm glad my babies not the only active one!! Mine goes mad and has started having a party during the night!! It is definately getting stronger too but i think my baby is still laying sideways!!!
Little man's been going mad since I posted about lack of movement the other day! How typical!! He's been moving non stop for the past hour now and was also really active this afternoon! The only quiet time I get is mornings!! Hope that means I get lie in's when he arrives lol
Mine is head down I could tell coz I could physcially feel a hard lump (bum) at the top and legs from it haha!! This baby is gonna be huge and could feel hiccups in my floof lol!! But mine omg never still for more than an hour I know ita a good thing but sometimes it's like omg exhausting lol!! X

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