my baby isn't growing

Trixie's Mum

Active Member
Nov 16, 2006
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My baby is lovely. Apart from a cold at the moment, with a bit of a cough, she is healthy, and one of the happiest babies you could hope to meet. She is bubbly, and smiley and alert. She loves to play, and rolls over and over, and is never in the same place I put her down.

She is four months old (19 weeks tomorrow).

She was 8lb 6oz when she was born. She lost a little of her birthweight early on, then regained it in a reasonable period of time. At her six week check (which she had at eight weeks), I don't remember her weight, but she was on the 25th centile (her birth weight put her on the 75th centile).

My first daughter had big problems gaining weight, and got referred to a hospital paeditrician and all sorts. They never found anything wrong. By the time she was about 18 months she was well back on the chart and they stopped worrying about her. BUT for the longest time, they were on my back about her weight, needing her weighed every week for months. It was a nightmare- and ultimately for nothing, because they never found anything wrong, and she is fine now (she's five now).

For this reason, and because she seems healthy enough, I have never taken my baby to the baby clinic. But yesterday, out of curiosity, I weighed her, just to get a rough idea (I just used the bathroom scales, weighing me with and without her- she was naked. I was just wanting a rough idea). She only came out to be about 10 or 10 and a half pounds! As she was born 19 weeks ago, at 8lb 6oz- that's really really low! And she is still waering 0-3 month clothes (3-6 month stuff mostly looks massive when I hold it up to her).

So now I'm worried. Less than 2lb in four months. I don't know what to do now. Is it just a family thing? Or is there something wrong this tim?


Trixie's Mum
hiya :wave:

My baby is only 4 weeks old and I don't have any older children so I don't really know muh about weight gain I'm afraid.

I just wanted to give you a :hug: and please speak to the health visitors about it. I'm sure she is fine, maybe just a slow grower :?

hi sweetheart,

My Holly is breastfed and is on average gaining 4oz per week, she's now 11 weeks old and at 10 weeks had put on the grand amount of 2lb 2oz.

The health visitors told me as long as it's a steady weight gain(not losses), then alls fine, not every baby piles a 1lb a week on.

She is just moving out of newborn clothes and into 0-3, so another tiny one here.

Saying this i would still begin to weight your little one too ease your own mind. :hug:
Thea has alwats been tiny too. She just got weighed at her well child check today and at 9.5 months she is only just under 17lbs. The doctor says she is perfect :)

For your own piece of mind take her to the clinic to see a health visitor but ims ure your lo is just fine hun.
My son is 19 weeks today and was 8lb 6oz born, he's now about 14lb but has been moving steadily down the centiles in the red book. My HV told me not to worry too much about weight gain, as long as baby's happy & healthy. Is she quite active?
I wasn't worried until I weighed her! She is EXTREMELY active! But I tell you, born 19 weeks ago at 8lb6oz- I would have been FAR happier if I'd found she was around 14lb- Her 10lb just seems SO low. People keep asking me what age she is, then commenting how tiny she is when I tell them- nut she was quite big when she was born. I have been quite laid back about her until now. And the meddling HVs are the LAST people I'd want to share my concerns with!

TM :(
If it makes you feel any better hun i just checked Thea's book and at 19 weeks she was 11lbs.
People always feel the need to comment on your baby. Austin's on the 25th centile for weight & people are always saying how big he is! And if it's not big, it's bald, or chubby, or skinny... Ignore them all. You know your own baby best. If she's active and feeds well she's probably just going to be a slim, active child & teenager.
i got willow weighed 2 weeks ago and she weighed 15 10 so i imagine she weighs about 16 something now (wont get her weighed til tomorrow).
but like everyone says all babies are different and they grow and different rates as long as she is happy i dont see why there should be a problem, try not to get yourself to worked up (easy to say i know) if your that concered take her to clinic and get her weighed properley and mention any worries to your HV. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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