my awful weekend.....:(


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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well, in July/Aug last year my DF and DF's mum put together to buy a staffi - i wanted a dog so my DF said he would put half so it was half mine. he was a gorgeous little thing and i love him dearly. DF's mum has already got two other dogs, another staffi (bitch) and a King Charles (dog) - his dad had been asking questions at the begining saying he didnt think he was a full staffi - even though when we bought him we saw the mother and a picture of the father - and was told he was a pure staffi. lately he has began to look as though he has got some pit bull in him, he is also VERY giddy and very very very strong - to say he is not even a year old he is huge!!!

well the sad part - my DF's dad took all the dogs out to a secluded park he always takes them too, and both Jake (my dog!) and Sarge (the bitch staffi) always play together and tease each other with sticks (if one has a stick the other one will try and get it off them!) but yesterday something happened and Jake took Sarge by the neck and was wragging her about, DF's dad thought Jake was going to kill her and so hit him with a metal lead - DF's dad said Jake didnt even flinch and just kept wragging Sarge about until she, somehow pulled herself and got out of his mouth!

when DF's dad came back to the house with all the dogs, Sarge was bleeding alot, he had her throat, and Jake was covered in blood and scratches and deep cuts! :shock:

i couldnt help but cry when i saw him, i mean its awful what he did to Sarge but he is my baby and it was awful seeing all those cuts on him :(

his mum said that she is going to get him a muzzle and have his testicles took off this week but if that doesnt help then she may have to have him put down - i cant help but feel really really upset for him, he is my baby, but i know that cant excuse what he did!!!

sorry for the long story i just feel so down atm :( :( :( :(
staffs do fight like that hun my mtes just had to get rid of her male as he was fighting her other dog he should calm down after being de-balled?
manda x
oh how awful. hopefully castration will help calm him down abit.

and id deffinately advise a muzzle, as if he has gone for another dog, he may just go for a child next time, as some dogs think they are also dogs at first.

good luck with him,
aw hun i had two staf's one hatton was a pain in the arse he just wanted to fight all the time but the other one tyson was just like a baby... i loved him so killed me to give him up when my ex left :cry:

mayb taking he's testicles off will be good for him :?
i have two staffi females ones soppy as anything and the other is quit lively but the quiet one seemed to have a problem with big dogs like greyhounds when youd take her for a wlk she would go for them but we used the muzzle and she has had her womb removed she is no problem now she hasnt done it for about a year shes such a lovely dog in the house and shes the more reserver of the two but she just had a problem with particular breeds i hope it helps some dogs arent great with other dogs but im sure you could rehome him to a house with no other dogs and children if all didnt work out.
lets hope so - i would HATE it if they put him down or anything happened to him, hes my baby!!! BUT...i would hate it if he didnt settle down i mean, if he can go for a dog that he lives with like that, next time we might not be so lucky for them just to have a cut - next time he might really hurt something/someone - i mean i couldnt live with myself if he hurt a child!!!!

and its quite frightening actually becuase if i ever do fall pregnant - we will be spending alot of time at DF's parents house, and if he doesnt calm down he could hurt the baby, do you know what i mean??

well hopfully being castrated will calm him down :pray: :pray:
First I am really sorry for whats happened...I know that its not the same but its animal instincts so il tell you that my female cat and my male cat used to fight all the time when one or the other was on heat...they would reject eachother and the other would go nuts...but since having them spayed & castrated its been so much better and they are much calmer....I really hope it works for you hun...As for having pittbull in her, im not sure but you are always going to get big staffys and also very strong staffies so i wouldnt think of it too much.
Staffies are a strong breed and need training, Castration may not be an instant answer to the problems, but may help in the long run.
He may have been asserting his dominance over the other dog as they are pack animals there always has to be a top dog, but the top dog needs to be YOU!
Staffys are known not to be very good with other dogs, so it would well be worth muzzling and keeping him on a lead when out untill you sort the problem.

Does Jake get his own way? does he sleep on the sofa, does he have full run of the house? does he get fed before everyone else? If you answer yes to alot of these then that could be the start of a problem - he will think he is the top dog in the house hold and will assert him self to stay there. ... avior.html

this link might help.
If you do end up rehoming him - please make sure that you tell them that he has attacked another dog, then they can rehome appropriately.
no he doesnt get his own way - and he doesnt get fed before everyone else, all the dogs get fed at the same time, and yeah Jake is allowed to sleep on the sofa BUT so is the other two dogs, and one of the dogs sleeps in the parents bedroom - so i dont think it is that.

I am sorry to hear this but I can only advise that no matter how much you love this dog he sounds totally unsuitable to be in a home with other dogs and even more so in a house where a baby will be.
If play can turn to nastiness in such a short time then that is about the same time that it would take to kill a baby.
Don't let you story be the next on the news, I would contact a breed rescue for more advise, they always assess dogs and owners before rehoming if that is what you choose to do. Even the nastiest of dogs get a chance there. I know because a friend has a ex-fighting dog. He has to be muzzled 40% of the time...out doors all the time, indoors when people visit and if any children visit he has to be locked in the garden. He will kill any dog he meets without a doubt but he is still a happy dog most of the time.

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