My 7 year old nephew!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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I was watching him on Satruday night. Sunday for his mum & dad.

So on Sunday we were sitting having breakfast when he started asking me various questions about the baby, and saying how he wanted a littel girl cousin as he's got too many boy cousins, when he asked me how the baby came out of my tummy. :oops: So after some quick thinking on my behave (well i think so!!) I came up with the story that, when the baby is ready to come out you go to hospital and they give you a special key that fits into your tummy button, he thought about this for a bit then asked but what happens if you've got an outtie tummy button, so i then said well that's when they have to give you an operation on your tummy and cut it open so the baby comes out. He then said oh aye that's how my wee brother was born cos of mummys outtie!

Do you think i did a good job?! :lol:

How did you explain to your older LO's about new babies arrival?
i tell my girls that the baby will come out my tuppence.
budge said:
i tell my girls that the baby will come out my tuppence.

I would have told him that if he was mine, but i didn't want him going home and asking his mum and dad all these questions!!
I told Emily afetr she had watched loads of birting programmes with me.

Sorry but that made me laugh so much, must be really hrd if they are not yours to answer truthfully

did you tell his parents what he had asked?
Yeah told them and his dad was like, ach you shouldn't have bothered i already told him he came out of his mummys tummy and Ryan (his brother) came out of her flower.

I just thought, great now he's gonna tihnk his Aunt Vic talks utter BS!!
:rotfl: yep you are gonna be the laughing stock of the playground, kids will be saying'god shes in for a shock' :rotfl:
I know, oh the shame! :oops:

Still proud of my story though!!! :lol:
:clap: it was a good one to thinkup on the spot :clap:
Need to remember that one for when my LO's bigger and starts asking questions, eother that or send them off to daddy!! :twisted: :lol:
Vicki83 said:
budge said:
i tell my girls that the baby will come out my tuppence.

I would have told him that if he was mine, but i didn't want him going home and asking his mum and dad all these questions!!

yes true! :)

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