My 3 year old...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Not sure if this is the right forum or not??

Basically, Im at my wits end trying to figure out how to control my son

He is a very active 3 year old. I am having a few problems and wondered if anyone has had the same thing and whether the following things are normal?? Im becoming concerned as no matter what I do he doesnt seem to understand things?

1) Despite counting out pretty much everything that we see he is still unable to recite even 1 to 5...We count every day and he struggles to do it..this is due to an extremely short attention span, which I know kids do have but he wont last more than 5 minutes on a task

2) He repeats himself, constantly will say the same thing over and over and will not stop till he is kind of snapped out of it? And repeatedly asks questions over and over even though I have answered a dozen times

3) He is very active..meaning constantly fidgeting, running off etc...

4) He talks over people and even interupts conversations

5) He has started kicking people almost does it like he forgets what hes doing and it more like an impulse!

I have tried everything from reward charts to time out, to changing his diet and NOTHING seems to work...he just does not listen!!

Please someone tell me this is all normal behaviour !!! I am due my second in December and still do not want to be having problems :( x
I can relate to 2,3 and 4 hunny, Im sure its just normal boys behaviour. My little monkey is the same and at the moment its impossible to control him as he wont listen to me! x x
lol I hope's just hard work :( and I constantly feel like it's something Im doing wrong. I hate people that look and judge me when we are out as I just cant seem to control him :( x
I think its just a stage they go through, Adam finds trouble and if there isnt he makes it!
Ive started the 1,2,3 method with him, if i get to 3 he knows he losses something or goes to his room, it works sometimes but most of the time he pushes it. Do you have alot of family around you that gives into him? Ive noticed when hes been to visit family when he comes home hes 10 times worse x x

I am beginning to think thats the problem :( he goes to his dads all weekend every other weekend and his dad has a girlfriend with 3 young kids :( think he's copying them and also getting his own way with his dad...

My mum is bad for letting him get away with things but it's got so bad that I have had a word with her this mroning as I want everyone to follow the same rules.. unfortunately, Ive tried asking his dad before and he just says 'oh he's a kid, let him get on with it' so doubt I will get the support off him :( x
I know exactly how you feel, Adam when not in nursery is looked after by his nan, i appricate everything she does for us but Adam has her wrapped around his little finger and he gets his own way, same with all the other family members who look after him but because he gets his own way everywhere else he expects it at home, its a tough one as we dont want to upset anyone but we know this is the source of the problem x x

you have described my ds only he is alot older and has learning difficulties also A.D.H.D but what you have described also comes under a typical toddler
i totally feel your pain

speak to your HV she is there to give you help also whats his diet like check all food/drink products you give him for e numbers as these will hype him up more, set the boundries and tell him the punishment if he crosses them my youngest ds as just turned 3 and he knows what the naughty chair is about so i find this is a good 1 but you have to follow through and not crack

is he really fidgety? and is this all the time or more noticable at certain times of day or when you are doing certain things?
He is fidgety all the time and flits from one activity to another...he does sit still when he is really really interested in something but only for max 20 mins..

He talks constantly and its a little wearing...even to the point where I cannot think!

I love him with all my heart and I have seen other children his age but none are like he is :( I may just have been blessed with an overly active child!!! lol

I will contact my health visitor definately, she said if the repeating thing didnt get any better then to go back so guess I should just talk to her...

How old was your son when he got his adhd diagnosis?? xx

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