My 21 wk scan UPDATED with picture


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Well it looks like we have ourselves a cheeky LO. Baby is looking well from the measurements they could take. Baby was in such a comfortable position it did'nt want to move so I'm going back next Thursday for the other measurements to be taken. LO was kind of in a curled around position and the sonographer said it was really active. It was such an amazing experience, LO was doing a boogie with its arms and legs, had a drink ,was sticking its tongue out and playing peek a boo with its hands when they where trying to get a picture of its face for us. Will update with picture as soon as I can borrow a scanner.
Cant wait until next thursday to see Roo again ! :dance: :dance:

UPDATE:- Finally got hold of a scan. This is our little roo.
sounds like you had a good day! Really happy for you, and it's a bonus that you get to see Roo again so quickly x
Congratulations Babyroo! Aren't they amazing! I will have my scan next week - can hardly wait to see my little one :wink:
Bless but your well pleased you get to go back again, i have to wait till next friday for my scan !!

Can't wait to see your pics :D
Aw how fab glad all went well its just so amazing isn't it. We have to go back next week too cos my bubs was also playing peekaboo hiding its face behind its hand. :D
aha :) aww sounds so good i cant wait to have my next scan either, only 2 weeks to go and i can see my little one :)
my dad tried scanning me (cso he has a scanner) we wanted to find out the sex, and the little bugger had its legs crossed
Does people think Roo's profile looks like a boy or a girl?
I'm gonna be the first to stick ma neck out and say girl but i'm probably wrong lol

Congrats on such a lovely looking baby scan anyway :hug:
Nice scan pic lucky you havin another scan next week :)

I think roo looks like a girl :D
aww what a cute lil baby :) goodluck next scan :)
im glad the scan went well for you :) and getting to have another too :D

not sure what the sex is, ill go for...............

Boy :D

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