MW appt at 38+


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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had my mw appt this morning at 38+3 baby is ok, movements and heartbeat good measuring 36cm, but not worried as im under consultant care for growth!!

however, i have protein in my wee for the second time, lucozites and slightly raised blood pressure!! mw not that concerned at the moment as its only slighty raised and considering all the crying i have don this morn she thinks it may be related to that!! but if i have any headaches or dizzy, or vision disturbances i have to ring FAU straight away!! im also booked in hosp tomorrow to have growth scan and check up so my bp will be checked again!! fx all is ok but she has booked me in for next mon to check again too!!

but how do i know when to ring FAU as i have an headache anyway but not sure if its to with bp or the crying that has caused it?? any help be appreciated :) xx
Glad your appt went well, not long to go now!!!

I had protein+ and high BP all through the 2nd half of my pregnancy with my son, but everything was always fine. No idea what caused it, think as pregnancy goes on body says enough is enough lol

Hope LO doesn't make you wait too much longer xxx
thanx hun

i have defo had enough now!! dont think my body can take much more fx he arrives soon xxx
thanx hun

i have defo had enough now!! dont think my body can take much more fx he arrives soon xxx

I feel like that now lol Can't believe I still have 7 weeks to go... she better not be late. If she take after her dad she will be though, he's always late lol
yea but thats a typical male you know us girls we dont like to be late :) so fx she is on time or early xxx
I'm glad your appointment went well honey :)

If your not sure when to call maybe just give them a quick ring and ask when you should be calling thm as you already have a headache!!

MASSIVE :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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