MW appointment/BirthPlan/C section Info


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Am posting just for everyones info really after my birth plan appointment yesterday

So I had a c section with my LO. Asked to go in birthing pool this time as I know water for me was a great pain relief. Basically I would have to be monitored all the time due to last birth not going too well. MW was really nice and said if you want to insist and go against policy then you can its your body your birth. I said I will go with the flow and see whats recommended really.

Also, I didnt realise that they dont let you go much over date if youve had a c sec before. AND a lot of the decisions/opinions unfortunatley depend on the consulant you get at the time. MW said that its unfortunate but that is the case that all consultants recommend different things. Some say c sec all the way, some say VBAC just all depends. So I have an another appointment with my consultant 3 days after my due date and we will have to take it from there if I havent already had the baby.

Baby was head down, and off to one side but still has time to turn, most importantly not back to back. She said that with the second baby its not likely that the head engages and the pops back out like I thought, and she seems to think I was too early for the head to be engaged.

Had raised BP, up to normal as I normally have low BP and she laughs at me saying I was probably running round like a headless chicken still ha ha she knows me so well. I said "er yes were moving house friday" she just shook her head and laughed
Hopefully you'll get the birth you want babe.. It's horrible that it's gonna be by chance on which consultant you get!
Fx you'll have a really understanding one xx
hope u get a nice consultant. its interesting bout the water birth as I fancied one this time but as im being induced and will have to b monitored continously too didnt think i could !! xxx

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