MW appointment and car crash


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Very pleased with my day so far! Baby and bump measuring perfectly, all my tests are OK, and it seems I will be getting a waterbirth after all :D

Also, on my way to the appointment, some bloke was checking me out so enthusiastically he hit the car in front. Yeah! I've still got it:bunny: (he probably had a preggo fetish, but I am pleased nonetheless!)
Glad all went well with the MW. Yey for waterbirth - i'm hoping to have one too if there's a pool free on the day!!!
Haha Men, they're so amusing!! xxx
had to laugh thats so funny x x

glad all went ok x x

i dont know anything about water births x can anyone ask for them and are they done in hospital x x
had to laugh thats so funny x x

glad all went ok x x

i dont know anything about water births x can anyone ask for them and are they done in hospital x x
It's only available in a MW led birthing unit at my hospital, and as I seem to be having a fairly straightforward pregnancy, with no complications, I'll very likely be able to go for it :D
Yay for a water birth!!
Hahaha, bet that bloke felt like a right plank, of course you still got it, you are a hottie ;) x
thanks for that x now im not having a c section im doing my birth plan with the mw this afternoon so will discuss it with her x x
They have 2 birthing pools in my hospital but they can only be used on a first come first served basis.
They have 2 birthing pools in my hospital but they can only be used on a first come first served basis.
I do hope MW would have told me if that were the case!! Don't want any nasty surprises, will make sure I ask next time. But she did seem very encouraging about it and never mentioned any restrictions.
Oh im so jealous Ish i so so want a water birth but im high risk so don't think they will let me :(
Glad you had a good day tho... check you out making that poor guy crash! x
Oh im so jealous Ish i so so want a water birth but im high risk so don't think they will let me :(
Glad you had a good day tho... check you out making that poor guy crash! x

I thought this too hun as i'm high risk and was told by a mw at my booking in appt that i wouldn't be able to but then when i seen my consultant she said that i could. It may depend on the reasons why your high risk too - i have MS (multiple sclerosis) but as my mobility is ok they don't think it will be a prob.
Oh im so jealous Ish i so so want a water birth but im high risk so don't think they will let me :(
Glad you had a good day tho... check you out making that poor guy crash! x
It's best to ask though, you never know :hug: If they have a pool in the standard units, I don't see why not x
Glad all is well with u. Check u out hot pregnant lady! Poor guy even though he was being a wally!
Lol it's great when that happens!
Happened at the right time, too, I was feeling like a prehistoric reptile slowly crawling my way to my appointment, feeling fat and spotty!
Oh im so jealous Ish i so so want a water birth but im high risk so don't think they will let me :(
Glad you had a good day tho... check you out making that poor guy crash! x

I thought this too hun as i'm high risk and was told by a mw at my booking in appt that i wouldn't be able to but then when i seen my consultant she said that i could. It may depend on the reasons why your high risk too - i have MS (multiple sclerosis) but as my mobility is ok they don't think it will be a prob.

Well im glad they are going to let you have the water birth!! :D Like you said you can move fine so why not?
I have a high BMI thats all and im waiting for test results/ growth scan to see if im going to be induced and i suppose it depends if im on a drip or not or on a monitor thing? Fingers crossed everything is all right and they let me have a water birth... Cmon bubba stay a normal size!!!

Like Ish said i may have to just ask! Ill ask at the next MW appointment thats after the growth scan and they will have got my GTT results back xx

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