MW app today-finally a sensible one!!

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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I was dreading my appointment, as after last weeks fiasco with the not so nice one but this new one was lovely!

I've begun dreading my appointments as I'm small. I was referred for a growth scan about 4 weeks ago and baby is on course to be 'normal' size, but my fundal height ranges from 3-4 weeks earlier. As it seems I no longer have a usual MW and have seen several different ones over my appointments they all make me feel awful about it.

I'm measuring 3 weeks small this week, but the MW said baby felt fine size wise, and if we were going to go by fundal height, which she doesn't like doing, baby has actually increased 1.5cm in a week :eek:

Then she was having a good old poke and prod and asked where I feel most of my kicks as she couldn't find her head (I knew it was there somewhere :lol: ) and thought she may have turned breech, but then LO presented her head which is apparantly 'well down'

I guess that's why I feel as though I've been doing the splits and keep peeing myself :rotfl:

So this MW said I have a lovely little bump and not to worry, as she wouldn't expect me to be particularly big being so slight and long bodied.

My BP was raised but there were no traces of protein, so I have to keep an eye on things and 'chill' as she put it.....

And I'm back next week, but just to have my FH measured and baby poked and listened to, nothing else...apparantly they have to do this weekly if LO's measuring small, even if Growth Scans are correct....
what a nice positive appointment. glad all is well....just a little more cooking and you'll soon have LO with you :)
I'm so glad you saw a lovely MW! It makes you feel so much better when they are positive and praise the bumpage!



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