Music for labour


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I am burning some CDs with my Fav songs on for labour but a lot of them are the sort of things that you would sing and dance to rather than dead relaxing but thats what I listen to at home. I will do one with calm and relaxing songs but the other two seem to be lots of eminem and then rhianna and similar. Does this seem really wierd I figured that if what I listen to when i need motivation to do house work etc then it would be quite good to keep me up beat etc obviously its not going to be on really loud, does this seem like a good idea or a waste of time to you are the midwives going to think I am wierd? I think I remeber someone once posting that they had an eminem CD to listen though during labour? xx
Take whatever you feel comfortable with hun x
Whatever you want to listen to then take! I'm just gonna have my iPod but in debate whether to take my speakers.
My midwife led unit have speakers but I dont have an i pod :( this is going to be a strange CD got Elton john being added now xx
Don't music is a major mix of, RnB, classical, pop, Disney, alternative, rock....I'm the one in labour I get to listen to what I want! Hha love my selection!
I text my OH and told him that I was making CDs for labour his response was great I have to listen to your crap taste in music how charming. Im going to leave the disney off this he would leave me if I made him Listen to disney lol xx
Haha I would listen to it just to annoy people! I'm in pain and will listen to what I want! :)
he is more bothered if i start singing as well lol xx
Lol, i've just put a load of my usual music on mp3 player. I thought if i had songs i could sing along nd rock to the beat lol. If i put relaxing stuff i thought during contractions i'd get frustrated with myseld probably shouting "WHY HAVE I PUT THIS IRRITATING S**T ON TO TRY CALM ME DOWN" all over the place, and i want to create a little a scene as possible so just guna hum and scream along to my fav tunes.

Belly bean also likes more upbeat songs so hope this will encourage him/her. Especially the song LMFAO - "sexy and i know it" wiggle wiggle wiggle.. lol
I'll be taking my phone with me and it has a whole range of different music on it.

I have downloaded a Thai spa collection which I hope will get me relaxed but otherwise I have James morrisson and Lionel Richie hahaha
I listened to lady gaga in the night with my tens on when I was alone on the ward. Helped me get through my pains!


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