mums with more than 1 child but not with an age gap of 5yrs+


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Tried to be specific with the title :)

Just wondering if it is mainly age that determines how a child responds to another sibling or if you can see early on how they might react or behave to another baby... :think: you know, if it is more in their personality or upbringing.

eg. my mum had me and my brother 1 year apart exactly and said that I was never jealous of him and treated him as if he was mine. But my friend has two and the first child is really really jealous of the new baby and does all kinds of crazy attention seeking stuff and has regressed in potty training etc.

What are your experiences?
i have 14 years between my 2 and i love it, my son was devastated when he found out i was pregnant but soon came round to the idea and he loves his baby sister to bits, there has been a bit of jelousy but more because we have had to alter our lives to having a toddler in it and it affected his life in a bug way and he had to share us which he had never had to do before
There is 17 months beween my first 2 and my eldest was very jealous. 3 1/2 years after no.2 comes no.3 and there was a big differenc - yes i think there was jealousy but as they were older i could explain things to them.

There's 15 months between no.3 and no4 and no.3 is jealous of the baby. He has hit and bitthink her. I just think its lack of understanding with him.
There's one year between my DD's and like your mum said, no jealousy. My eldest can't remember life without her sister. Our DS came along two years after, and again there was no jealousy. The girls hen-peck him to bits!
i have 10 months between mine and thier is no jealousy at all.
theres jsut over 5 years between my two. and i think its a great age gap.. i would like between 3-5 years with the next one :D i think its a good gap xx
Nathan was 25 months when Kieran was born and there has been no jelousy at all. He is great with Kieran :D
Theres 10.5 months between my 1st and 2cd and then 18 months between my 2cd and 3rd and there was never any jealousy!
My youngest is a girl and OH treats her a little different then he does the boys (hes so soft with her no matter how much I try to explain to him he cant be) and now they get a little jealous! But like I said, thats all OH fault! :roll:
my first is great with all the others, but my 3rd can be a bit jealous of my 4th at times but most of the time they all get on great
There is 2 yrs 8 months between my eldest 2 and my eldest was little unsure at first but took it out on me rather than his brother and since the first week I have had no problems. My eldest was 4yrs 4 months and 2nd 1 yr 8 months when our daughter came along and no problems at all. I don't really have any problems with jealousy and they all get on great 90% of the time and just have the occaisional spat. How my youngest will react to this one I don't know as my boys tend to spoil her she didn't bother crawling for ages as she would just sit and point and get bought stuff by her brothers :rotfl:
i'll have a age gap of 5 years with my daughter and 7 years with my son when i have lil mat i'm not sure how they will take it but they are so happy so far probaly becasue they don't realise whats to come :lol: my daughter is loving me being pregnant lol she thinks she is pregnant :lol:
Maosn was 4.5 years when brody was born it was great cos he was old enough to understand sometimes I was busy with the baby.

Brody was 2.5 when Riley was born, he hasn't been jealous at all: I make an effort to give him one on one time and also he has mason to play with and keep him busy, it's worked out great!
There is 3 years between my 2 kids and Stephen didnt take it very well hen the baby arrived and realised se was here to stay - we had a few incidents where he hit her when i wasnt looking. But within a few weeks he soon settled down.
22 months between my two and they get on like a house on fire.

Very very occasionally Lydia will snatch toys off Alex, which I tell her off for, but 99% of the time there's no jealousy between them. They play together lovely, give each other hugs, follow each other around - they really love each other it's so nice.

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