mums who chose to formula feed...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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...OR mums who switched from breast to formula NOT gradually (just switched from one point onwards)...

how many days were ur boobs uncomfortable, how long does it take for milk to dry up?

there's been occasions (like when millies stayed at my parents) when millies had 4 or 5 consecutive formula feeds and no problems, and i really think it'd be fine to just switch her over one day (perhaps when she gets her first tooth) and not hav to gradually replace BFs with bottles one at a time. but im just wondering how i'd cope! i cant stand the discomfort of engorgement, i always hav to express if im away from millie which probebly wouldnt help if i WANTED the milk to go away would it?

so if any of u tell me the discomfort lasts longer than 24 hours i think ill switch her gradually just for THAT reason! thanx in advance
I formula feed and my boobs were only uncomfortable for about a day and leaked for a couple of days. I don't think expressing helps if you're planning on stopping breast feeding altogether, my midwife told me if i'm going to completely formula feed then just leave the boobs well alone. Think i was one of the lucky ones though because mine never really hurt too much!
Hi hun

I stopped when Gabs was about 7 and a half months.

I had started to give her one formula at night from 7 months just to get her used to it.

I found I was only uncomfortable for 24 hours; it took a while for the milk to dry up completely but it didn't affect me and I didn't feel uncomfortable after the 24 hour period. :D
I stopped b/f full time at 5.5 months, but kept morning and evening feeds and found I could go all day without expressing. I then had to drop the morning feeds as C slept through until 8.30 and I had to leave for work at 7.20, and the night feed then dried up. I did get uncomfortably full a few times, and just expressed off enough to be comfortable. Now, 3 weeks on, I think I'm completely dry but boobs haven't shrunk back to normal yet.
my boobs were sore for about a day.
MIL told me to wear a tight bra and it worked.
although i dont think my milk came through as i never leaked on my pad.
good two weeks for the discomfort to go away completely hunni.
thanx for ur replies ladies! mrs_tommo22 are u serious, 2 weeks?! :shock:
if thats true ill hav to get my ass into gear and gradually move onto formula then, im rubbish tho i havent given her any for about a week :wall: i just bought a big tub of sma as well and it says it only lasts 4 weeks so need to use it! will try get back on track tomorra lol
ps i didn't breast feed at all..... wish i had sometimes :(
Only uncomfortable for a day or so, I expressed some off which isn't advised, but it worked for me as they didn't get uncomfy again.
trixipaws said:
thanx for ur replies ladies! mrs_tommo22 are u serious, 2 weeks?! :shock:
if thats true ill hav to get my ass into gear and gradually move onto formula then, im rubbish tho i havent given her any for about a week :wall: i just bought a big tub of sma as well and it says it only lasts 4 weeks so need to use it! will try get back on track tomorra lol

You have not seen the size of my breasts! But yes was about two weeks with them feeling a bit uncomfy but much improvement in week 2
I bf for a week then completely stopped and i wont lie they killed lol..was told to try not express any as you know it just makes more but 1 i didnt have a choice, they were that full they would just gush out :shock: and 2 the pain got so bad that i sometimes had too....

i just took some anti inflammatorys and a good bra!!

But yea i would do it gradual..but i couldnt seem to lol :twisted:

Good luck :dance:
omygosh u scared me now princess_h! ill definately do it gradually. i gave her 150ml formula this afternoon but she only took 70. ill make sure i do one bottle a day for a week then start replacing the evening BF. thats it then, theres only the nite-feeds left! think ill keep BFing thru the nite tho dont fancy getting up and makin up bottles when im half asleep lol
hehe..i mean, it might be different for you, but i went HUGE...went up about 5 + cup sizes!!

I couldnt evan turn on a tap :oops: hehe

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