
My mum was fab and I can only hope to be as good a mum.
My mum has 5 children she works 3 cleaning jobs a day :shock: starts at 8am gets in the house at 5pm makes every one dinner all the tidying all the washing her house is lovely always so tidy kids always so well kept. she gives gives gives and never takes.
Me and my mum are really close and she's a good looking young grandma - no one believe she's my mum! they think she's my older sister!! i love her to bits and i hope i will be half as good a mum as she's been to me and my other 4 siblings! love you mama!!!
I love my mam to bits. I'm an only child, and my dad left when I was 6, so for years it was just me and mam (and my grandma, and a few random old people that lived with us lol....but that's beside the point).

Now, we have the most clashing personalities you could possibly imagine, and 99% of the time she absolutely does my head in....but at the same time I love her so darned much, and she's always there when I need her.
She was there when Lydia was born. Phil fell asleep for a lot of the time whilst I was in labour (it was an all-nighter), so I couldn't have got through it without mam. She forced herself awake and changed my pads and held the sick bowl up for me when I was puking (lol sorry TMI)....but seriously, she's a great mam. A total pain, but absolutely wonderful nonetheless ;)

Here she is last week with Lydia:
i'm not that close to my mum. my nan was a very cold person and my mum isnt as bad but .... well i know she is there if i need her, mainly money wise but its not all about that is it.
great topic! well one thing we all have in common is no of us would be on this forum if it wasnt for our mums! :angel:

aww soppy thread!

im not close to my mum in the slightest! we do not get on and annoys me soooo much!! :rotfl:

Im closer to my gran and i think the world of her!! love her to bits, shes always been there for me and helped me ya granny!!! :D
aww I loved my grandma too...I miss her :(
My Mum and I are extremely close. My Dad flew for a living so was always away on trips so it was always my Mum who was there for me. She knows me inside out (scary sometimes) she knew I was pregnant before I did :shock:

She's a fantastic Mum who does so much & always puts others first, just wished my Dad would realise how special she is. She's also a fab Grandma & Jamie is going to be one spoilt boy!

Here she is -

I love my nanna too.... when i was going through my "bad" years and mum was working away with dad i used to ring nanna and have a cry!
And when i was little it was nanna i stayed with after i trapped my fingers in the door cos mum couldn't look at them to change the dressings....
And nanna did the "girl talk" when i hit teenage years!!


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