Mummy's brain???


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hi girls :wave:

Well, today I went to Tesco's and forgot what I came for :wall: :oops: :shock: And it happens all the time. Takes about 10 minutes to concentrate trying to remember what I am doing and why :wall: Its just so frustraiting and confusing. Makes me feel so dumb and I never was like that before DS :cry:

Is it just me? :wall:
Hi Carina,


No its not just you I do strange things all the time, the other day I went to get a drink of water and I ended up drinking hot water because I totally forgot which way the tap turned!!! :wall: :wall:

Hows Daniel now is he taking his milk better?

Maisie has now stopped wanting milk as she has had Diarrhea (sp?) and I don't know whether its because I gave her yoghurt or because she has just had 2 teeth come through or because she has a bug.

I can't wait for her to talk and be able to tell me what is wrong with her it is such a guessing game. :wall:
tlc1974 said:
Hi Carina,


No its not just you I do strange things all the time, the other day I went to get a drink of water and I ended up drinking hot water because I totally forgot which way the tap turned!!! :wall: :wall:

Hows Daniel now is he taking his milk better?

Maisie has now stopped wanting milk as she has had Diarrhea (sp?) and I don't know whether its because I gave her yoghurt or because she has just had 2 teeth come through or because she has a bug.

I can't wait for her to talk and be able to tell me what is wrong with her it is such a guessing game. :wall:

Awww, thanks for asking :hug: He is back to normal now :pray: :D Some days he drinks more milk, some less. I dont know what was happening to him those 4 weeks. Now he drinks anything from anywhere and loves water, which he never drank before.

Are you giving Maisie something else to drink? Its importaint to keep them hydrated. I wouldnt think its cos of youghurt or teething. Maybe she has a light tummy bug. Is she ok otherwise? Maybe would be worth going to the gp? Camomile tea might help. :hug:
no it aint just you! :hug:

i think i pushed half my brain out of my bum along with the baby LOL
i walked out the house to day in my slipper. i was half way up the road when i thought my feet were a bit too comfortable :wall:
No Carina its not just you!

I have become so thick.....i am a bit better than i was a few months ago but still ditzy...i hate it!!! lol
My brain has went AWOL- I keep forgetting words and end up making up a new word which is a combination of 2 which will do

The other day I also asked OH to put the gym out rather than the bin :rotfl:
Carina said:
Awww, thanks for asking :hug: He is back to normal now :pray: :D Some days he drinks more milk, some less. I dont know what was happening to him those 4 weeks. Now he drinks anything from anywhere and loves water, which he never drank before.

Are you giving Maisie something else to drink? Its importaint to keep them hydrated. I wouldnt think its cos of youghurt or teething. Maybe she has a light tummy bug. Is she ok otherwise? Maybe would be worth going to the gp? Camomile tea might help. :hug:

I have seen the doctor but Maisie is under a paediatrician for her reflux and the problem I have though is that she has seen 2 and the 1st one changed her milk to pepti junior thinking she had an intollerance and the 2nd one said that shouldn't have happened and put her back on ordinary milk. The problem I have now is because I gave her yoghurt which will have cows milk in it was the 1st paediatrician right and she does have an intollerance?!?!? I feel like I am going round in circles with them and all the time Maisie is suffering. :evil:

I am just waiting for the doctors to call me as she is getting worse and obviously in pain and the diarrhea (sp?) isn't getting any better after 4 days. Maybe it is a bug but there must be something they can do for her as she is only taking 20oz a day and I am worried she will dehydrate.

I wouldn't know if yoghurt would cause this much upset or not. I am clueless. :(
tlc1974 said:
Carina said:
Awww, thanks for asking :hug: He is back to normal now :pray: :D Some days he drinks more milk, some less. I dont know what was happening to him those 4 weeks. Now he drinks anything from anywhere and loves water, which he never drank before.

Are you giving Maisie something else to drink? Its importaint to keep them hydrated. I wouldnt think its cos of youghurt or teething. Maybe she has a light tummy bug. Is she ok otherwise? Maybe would be worth going to the gp? Camomile tea might help. :hug:

I have seen the doctor but Maisie is under a paediatrician for her reflux and the problem I have though is that she has seen 2 and the 1st one changed her milk to pepti junior thinking she had an intollerance and the 2nd one said that shouldn't have happened and put her back on ordinary milk. The problem I have now is because I gave her yoghurt which will have cows milk in it was the 1st paediatrician right and she does have an intollerance?!?!? I feel like I am going round in circles with them and all the time Maisie is suffering. :evil:

I am just waiting for the doctors to call me as she is getting worse and obviously in pain and the diarrhea (sp?) isn't getting any better after 4 days. Maybe it is a bug but there must be something they can do for her as she is only taking 20oz a day and I am worried she will dehydrate.

I wouldn't know if yoghurt would cause this much upset or not. I am clueless. :(

Oh, hun :hug: I know how frustraiting it is with doctors :wall: You just have to insist that they make some sort of test. I think you deffo can test the milk intolerance.

Try to avoid youghurt at the moment. And as long as she is taking 20oz she will be fine. :hug:

Hope it will get better for you and Maisie soon :hug:
I was terrible for mummy brain but glad to say I got my brain back when I went back to work :cheer:

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