mummies to asthma sufferers??


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hey ladie i know this isnt prob the rite place but i wanted to know from everybody who has an asthmatic kid

as most poeple know Braydon is asthmatic and has loads of chest infections we got rid of one 4 weeks ago, but he has been getting chesty again then his asthma gets really bad while he is coughing etc he sounds like he is choking then he throws up but it isnt just a lil it severe projectile and he does it 2-3 even more times in a row, i was just wondering if this is normal for asthmatics??
im getting really worried the doc has started to say if it dont get sorted ill have to go and see a peadiatrician (SPL) wot would he do etc ??
hope someone can awnser as i just wanna help my baby
Dan went to paediatrician - they arranged for us to have a nebuliser at home (I think we had to pay for it though) and gave the GP the OK to put him on steroid medication whenever he needed it, and some stronger inhalers (I think he switched from becotide to ventolin).

They also arranged allergy testing, but I'm not sure whether that was related to his milk intolerence or his asthma. We had to go private for the testing (they might do it on NHS now), but it was all arranged through paeds.

They'll probably help you make sure B is getting his medication properly - even with a spacer it doesn't get right to the bottom of the lungs, and they don't take the full dose. The paeds are more willing to try stronger meds and higher doses to get the asthma under control.

:hug: it does get better - once they get the hang of inhalers, the lungs stay clear and infections much less frequent. Dan has had maybe two infections a year since he was 5, and that's when he's had a cold.
Hi hun, just wanted to :hug:

cant really help as Alex seems to only have it very midly since we got it undercontrol with inhalers, just gets a little puffed when over excited and running around too much.

must be so horrid to see B getting in such a state with it bless him. probably be best for him to see the pead as tracey says they really know a lot more about it all i would think.

hope he gets better soon :hug:

his had steroids etc but the last infection they didnt touch it he had to be given this medication he prob shouldnt have but nothing else worked and it was the last one to try

we went to a soft play area today and had to give him his inhaler like 3 times he kept getting really bad, his inhalers dont seem to really work tho, so i dunno i just want my baby to be ok
My Brother has Asthma and he had it extremly bad when he was younger and he went through all different types of medication and nothing really helped him but as he's got older it has got alot better and it doesnt seem to bother him at all anymore, he does still need an inhaler now and then though.

Sorry that doesnt help much hun but i hope u get it sorted soon, its horrible to see your own suffering and not being much you can do to help :hug:

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