Moving schools @ 3


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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my daughters 3 and as most of you know im moving soon and iv gotta take my daughter out of preschool here and try and get her into one where im moving and get her into a school. Do you think that moving with her only being 3 she will make friends easier then if she was older? its really upsetting me atm and im in tears in scared im going to tke her away from her friends here and then her have no1 when i move. When i was younger i could never make friends and was always bullied and im really scared shes gonna be the same although i no she just goes off at preschool and will play with everyone but shes easily upset and im scared this is going to affect her. maybe im just all hormanal atm but everytime i think of her on her own in a playground i see me and i just never wnt her to go through that :( x
I changed my daughter's school when she was about 4. She adapted really well and settled in perfectly. It think the younger they are the easier it is. You are probably more worried about your own insecurities rather than hers - if you found it hard you will be more aware and concerned about her going through the same thing. But you are 2 different people. :hug:
Hun I only just caught up with this thread. When I was a child my Dad was in the RAF and we moved house every few years. Everyone always says "poor you" when I tell them this and look at me with sympathy for my 'troubled childhood'. Honestly I absolutely loved it! Me and my brother used to get so excited about each move, the entire journey we'd point to every house we passed saying "it that our new house?!" mustve been so annoying to my parents.

When you're very young you just make new friends. I became very good at introducing myself and getting into friendship groups, I was never lonely and always had lots of friends round for birthday parties. Once my parents got a holiday cottage in France and there was a french family next door with a girl my age. We became inseparable and spent the entire 2 weeks together but to this day my parents have no idea how cos I didnt speak a word of french and she didnt speak english. You just can do that when youre little.

When youre a teenager friendships and stuff gets so much more complicated and leaving people becomes more upsetting. Luckily for me the RAF paid for me and my brother to go to a boarding school so we had consistent education and friendships through our secondary school. (although people still say "poor you" when I tell them I went to boarding school!!)

I really believe your little one will be just fine and after a week she will feel as though she's always been part of the class.

Hope the move is progressing well! xxx
Thank you! I no it is my insecuritys that are causing all this but because iv been through it i no how she would feel if it was her. She`s screaming at me today coz i said its her last day at this school and she doesnt want to move but iv told her we are going to get some sweets for her friends at school to hand out at end of the day so she seems pretty happy about sweets haha! Still dunno if im deffinatly moving the estate agent was meant to phone me yesterday to say if the furniture was going to be moved to the other flat but he didnt call me and when i phoned today i got "hes not in today" i ended up getting rude with the woman on the phone because im pissed off and i feel really sick today and she said she would contact landlord and phone me back in a minute and that was an hr ago. still waiting! grrr! But on the up side My OH is gonna pay for a gender scan at 16weeks :D wooop x
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:yay: for gender scan!!

Estate agents are sooooooo annoying! Hope she rings you back. Ive had this with the carpets Ive ordered. Got a date for carpets going down but she wasnt sure about laminate in downstairs. I need to know cos i need to arrange for my sofas to be delivered. So I rang back wednesday morning and a woman looked on the computer and said she'd chase it up and ring me back same morning. Ive still heard nothing. grrr. So annoying isnt it. Why say youre gonna ring back and then not do it?! Hope your new poace gets sorted soon.

Im sure youre little one will be alright soon. Try to tell her about it as if its something really exciting, like an adventure, tell her about your new flat and how lovely her new school is going to be, all the children waiting to meet her and be her friends. Might work!
Yea, iv gotta try and put her name down for a school yet but the school i like is "Oversubscribed" But im hoping that becoz im moving to the area they will give her a higher priority like they used to do.

Oh and the estate agent just phoned me and the stuff is being moved today and i can move in Midday tomorrow :D x
:yay: moving day!!!!

To be honest Id just tell my LO that her new school is lovely even if you dont know which school she'll go to or what its like. If she thinks shes gonna have a great time, she will!!! So many things to sort out arent there. You'll deserve a massive glass of wine bythe time youre finally in!
:) yea i will tell her that n im gonna get her into a preschool aswell hopefully but need to no wot school shes got into 1st :( i just phoned the admissions line and they told me that the crapest school that i didnt wnt her going to is in my catchment area so i asked about this nicer school and she said well most probably she wont get into that even tho is 0.2miles further then the other school :( x
nightmare!!! You could get her name on a list anyway? Maybe she could go to the catchment school for a year then get into a better one by the time she's old enough to be influenced by the other kids? Im lucky, my local catchment school has such a bad reputation, but cos Im in wales, I can choose for my LO to be educated in welsh and so go to another school. You get free taxis to the school too if its a certain distance from your house :)
oooh! Yea im gonna put the better school at the top of my list :) and then the crappy one i guess. Bella might be the tiny percentage that get good grades at that school haha. But if i dont like this flat then i might move before she starts school then i can change the school when she gets to yr 3 :D x
yeah quit panicking... kids move all the time and as long as your not going to uproot her annually shell be fine ... :D shell prob cope better than you and find it exciting!! xx

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