Moving from Stage 1 Comfort - Follow On


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Well Next Month Theo is going to be 6 Months :shock:
at the moment he is currently on stage 1 C&G comfort milk. hes been on it since 4weeks old. he is now having food and is handeling it really well.
what i am asking is... do you think he still needs C&G comfort follow on milk. or as he is eating now (less sensetive tummy... it guessing) can he just have normal C&G follow on milk???
im unsure what one to choose. surely if his tummy is handeling food ok, the normal milk will be ok????
or should i be safer then sorry and stick with comfort milk?
what would you do>?
also do i need to slowly introdue the follow on milk, rather then put him on it straight away, so does it not matter?
(i know i have a few weeks yet, but just preparing myself :D )
any advice?
thank you
Harrison was on the comfort milk but at 6 months I just switched him him to hipp follow on and he's been fine (all babies are different though).
I never gave any of mine the follow on milk but then they never had the comfort food either? :think:

TBH if when the time comes, Lola is still happy and feeding well on the comfort milk, then I will keep her on that until I intorduce cows milk at 12 months!
we moved LO from Aptimal Easy Digest onto the follow on milk and it made her really constipated so I put her on normal Aptimal and she's been fine ever since.

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