Mother's Day..


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2014
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Anyone else feeling a bit crap today? I didn't think it would bother me but it has a bit. I have no children but still feel like I was a Mum. Some people might think this is stupid I guess.

We have my mother in law round for lunch later so hopefully this will distract me.

I hope this hasn't upset anyone who hadn't even thought about this, I just had to share it as I knew you all would understand xx
Totally understand xx

I lit my candle this morning to remember the little one that I lost so quickly this week. Mothers Day is hard when all around you people are celebrating the joy of having children, when some of us are hiding the secret that we are going through the complete opposite.

Hugs for all of us xx
Yup iv struggled all weekend, this is my second Mother's Day now without my daughter, tho my first was literally days after her funeral. I don't want to talk to anyone, my oh is getting in my nerves big time and he's not even done anything wrong and I just feel crap and sad. I never ever thought my life would be like this. X
Yup, I didn't get up until late and then spent half the afternoon crying before we finally went out. I miss my own mother a lot and then with all the losses I find mothers day to be. The hardest day of the year......

:hugs: for all who've experienced this loss....
Yep I'm exactly the same! I'm not a mum, I lost my little one in January. I was quite early on so nobody has even mentioned it to me at all. Not even my husband. Feel so crappy and down :(

Big hugs to you all xxxx
Well I guess I am a mum actually. I just have no living children :(
We're all mums. We just don't have our babies with us.
No one has said anything to me either. Even my husband. My mum mentioned It when I rung her to check I was ok. Even people who I've mentioned to that it might be a rough day haven't sent a message or anything.

People so easily forget.

So sorry for all you ladies having a tough time today. At least we all understand what it's like for each other, even if no one else does! It's nice that you all get it. Hugs xx
Yea I agree that people forget easily! A couple of my friends knew I wasn't looking forward to yesterday, and I mentioned it to my sisters and they just brushed it off as though I was stupid, then I felt stupid, so I was really pleased when I saw your post!

Like you say at least we all understand each other :) It's so nice we have each other to talk to on here!

felt exactly the same, the husband couldnt understand why i was upset, blimming men x

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