Morning Tri Three!

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Hope your all okay today, hoping that the weather is winding down instead of getting hotter now - am sure we are all feeling the same :)

Today i have my first meeting with the Health visitor, i am going to bug some hippies about van bits n pieces and buy some coach paint for me bus

anyone got any exciting plans? xxx
Im going to playgroup, probably to get choice comments flung at me for the size of my bump.. and then to Gloucester to collect a toddler bike for Rosie that I won on Ebay for £4.99! :)
Heading to good old Gloucester myself today, get the last of the bedding from asda and possibly have a sneaky look in babies r us if FOB will let me :blush:

Then we're swimming in the afternoon and relaxing until parent craft classes tonight. Get the joys of learning about pain relief, types of birth and relaxation techniques :)
Wow RM, you're quite the pro at ebaying!!

Im off to see the midwife at 11:15. Hoping to be tod my BP isnt still going up and baby is still cephalic with a head starting to engage :pray:

Then this afternoon Im off shopping with OH's card :) I was washing all baby's stuff but run out of nonbio washing stuff so gotta wait til I got more to carry on. So Im gonna clean the bathrooms instead. fun fun fun!!!
Well done RM on the ebay bargain!

Everyone has such busy days, i feel like a lazy bum!

Got back way past my bedtime as went to a 50th bbq, my feet were so swollen last night tey were throbbing and everytime i turned over in bed i felt like i was squishing the bump so was up and down most of the night, therefore I have pulled a sicky and am planning on spending the whole day with my feet elevated and trying to catch up on my rest. . . . 5 more weeks unil i start maternity, god knows how i am going to last with this heat! Im such a wuss lol

Enjoy your days ladies xxx
Morning! :wave: My day, well trying to get this baby on the move but I'm really quite limited now. So far I've had a bath and I'm already done in :) OH is off this week and I think he is nesting on my behalf!!
^^^ thats fab, I really wanna sort things out, I think Im starting to nest, I went looking for ironing and laundry to do yesterday, I even took stuff out of OH's cupboard to iron. Then I reorganised my drawers. Its just occured to me that I was probably nesting. But the thing is Im sooo tired, I just sit here imagining all the stuff I would do if I could be arsed to get up!

OH has been working really hard yesterday. I hoovered downstairs and he went behind me mopping, and he cleaned the kitchen surfaces propery, like he actually tidied them first and then moved the pots etc to clean right up to the back. I didnt know he knew how to do that! I think he must be feeling a bit nesty too!
im going to pick my daughter up from preschool at 11.30 and then coming home to tidy up coz got health visitor coming wednesday and this place is a mess because its been too hot to move lol x
Aw bless, my OH and his friend have been doing the garden all weekend, and he's made himself the biggest to-do list ever! Just remember to take a mental note of all the things they can do, you might never see it happen again :) They must get nesty too though!
I know what you mean Tiny, in my head I'm a very busy girl!!
Good idea, Im making a mental note, this is the first time that hes actually tidied the kitchen and I havent wanted to go after him tidying it again :rofl:

Good luck getting baby moving today! Im off to the midwife now, fingers crossed he'll still be cephalic and head engaged :pray:
Hmmm - my day's just sorta started...! lol! Didn't get my arse outta bed until 11 :sleep: I'm so lazy at the moment! Although me and OH stayed in bed asleep until about 10-11am on Sat so i'm blaming the weather...!

No plans for today - i'm taking a day off from housework and being lazy! Daytime TV and choccies biscuits for me! Mmmmmmmm! x
Hope all goes well Tiny! ^^^^Tasha that sounds like a normal day for me ;)
Nicci can I join you in the sod it I'm taking a day off club? Got very little sleep this weekend cos of the heat and just could not get up this morning. So I've had a lie in, a nice relaxing cool bath just as it started to warm up, got to sort the kitchen out this pm and then my first hypnobirthing class this evening which I'm really excited about.....OH is not so sure
Had a busy day cleaning today - nesting deffo kicked in and i can't stop organinsing! Going to have a lazy day tomorrow though -shattered now!
Ive had a decent nights sleep for the first time in ages so nesting is officilaly on the agenda today :yay:
haha Ive got enough to keep my busy here lol, Im sure Ill be ready for a nap by 3pm. If Ive finished and got the energy, I might start selling my services lol
Spoil sport! ;)

I cant wait until I start to nest properly - I occassionally get a day where I just HAVE to tidy and clean everything but it only ever lasts 24 hours! lol!

Hahahahahaaa! :rofl: My OH's just randomly walked through the door, he measures and designs kitchens and as he was in the area he decided to pop by on his way back to the office - "So this is what you do all day then?" He says! lol! I've been rumbled!! Best get tackling that bedroom of ours before he see's that I DO spend all day on PF...! See ya soon!
haha, me too, I havent even got dressed yet, Im off to have a long bath then start getting my nest all clean n tidy :)

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