Morning Sickness


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2005
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It seems this week my nausea has increased by 10 fold. It's getting so bad, it's waking me up at night. It feels like I might vomit but no go so far. I was wondering if any one had any suggestions on how to calm the tummy so I can sleep? I've tried a shower for relaxing and ice water for drinking. I'm ready to try anything.............

Hi Kris,

Speaking from experience with my first i was never sick but felt like i was going to throw up all the time, sometimes i couldn't get out of bed!!

i always had a packet of ginger nuts next to my bed to nibble at before i got out of bed, or i believe arrow root biscuits are the supposed to be good.

Have you tested yet? :wink:

Let us know
I tested once but it was BFN but I was spotting when I did it. I found out recently that it could have been ib which means no hormone release. Since then my symptoms have increased dramactically. My breasts have been aching, tender, erect, my veins are popping out along with some bumps that are new to me. My Nausea has increased, along with headaches. My lower back has been hurting along with very minor cramping. I'm gonna test again soon..and I'll keep you posted.

Hi, I am 10 weeks now and for the last week I have constantly felt sick, but have not actually threw-up yet. It is really uncomfortable and I am finding it hard to sleep too. My midwife told me to eat little amount often and this seems to lessen the sick feeling but it doesn't stop it. Also try to avoid fatty foods and drink plenty of water and fruit juices.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. sx
Well I tested today about mid-day and it came up a BFN. So I figure this: one i did it wrong, two its too early, should have done it in the morning, and lastly there is something seriously wrong with me. I had no intentions of testing today but my bf asked me too. I just don't know why anymore....any advice?


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