Morning sickness vs babys birth weight


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Really interested in seeing how many women had really bad morning sickness and gave birth to heavier babies :)

I remember reading somewhere that the increase in the growth hormone is what makes women so poorly but I don't know how true that is.

I was really poorly and Sophie was over 9lbs, a friend of mine was also sick a lot and had a 10lb baby and another friends mum also had a 9lb baby and was sick a lot. These were all first babies.

Might be a complete load of rubbish but I'm interested to see :D xx
I had to take pills for my sickness and Tyler was 8lbs BUT we were 2 weeks over

I had bad morning sickness, but Emily was only 6lb 4oz at 13 days overdue, so the theory isn't true in our case. Xx
I had terrible sickness and had meds for it but I also had gestational diabetes. Theo was 10lb 0.5 oz. I had same sickness really bad with daughter too but she was 6 lb 10oz
I had it terrible and Kynon was 7lb 8oz and a month early so Im guessing he would have been a 9 pounder if he had been fully cooked.

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I was hardly sick luckily and Owen was 7lb 12 at 39 weeks x
I only had a bit of nausea both times and mine were 6lb 13.5oz & 7lbs (nausea was slightly worse with lighter first baby) xx

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Mummy to Joshua 23-01-10 &
Dylan 03-02-2012 <3 xx
I had awful sickness with my 2nd and he was 8lb 6oz, 8 days early x.
I had awfull sickness and she was 8 lb 1

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I had bad morning sickness, but Emily was only 6lb 4oz at 13 days overdue, so the theory isn't true in our case. Xx

Me too! I had hyperemisis and baby was 6lb 11oz and was 9 days overdue, he was the skinniest little thing I've ever seen :(
i couldnt eat anything but fruit for weeks and was being sick til 23 weeks as well as it coming back at the emd a bit and Alyssa was 10lb14oz
I was very sick all way through an Alice was 8lb15oz so true for me Also craved sweets and fruit and had a girl so that old wives tale was true too! x
I was extremely sick for months with both babies, first was 6lbs 1 - second was 6lbs 8.

Vincent was 2 weeks early and 7 lb 12 oz - and I had horrendous sickness throughout pregnancy.

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