Morning Sickness Medicines


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Just a moan really!! I have felt so bad the last few days that I am struggling to do anything at all without feeling sick and light headed. I have already had to have 3 days off work because I can't stand up long enough to clean anything!

I have only been sick on two days, saturday and today, thinking my half 5 in the morning starts have something to do with it!! But have almost constant nausea throughout the whole day. I have tried so many different things to feel better but to no avail.

I feel so weak and have no energy, thinking a trip to the docs tomorrow to see if it is worth trying any medicines? Has anyone on here taken anything and have it work?

I'm just generally tired, fed up, feel sick and have a headache, I feel so crap I just want to curl up and cry :cry:
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Hi hun,

I can't really help, but didn't want to read and not reply. I've noticed that I feel sick after sitting down for a while and then getting up. So everytime I get up at work, I'm trying not to retch!

Let us know how you get on at docs.

5.30am - poor you. i've not had experience with medications for this but might be worth asking your dr? xx
So I phoned the doctor's today and they said the nurse will phone me back. Spoke to the nurse and told her I was sick 4 times yesterday and twice this morning before she phoned back at 8.30.I also said I had tried everything to which she replied I just have to ride it out because the doctor's can't to anything!! I asked if I could still see the doctor, because I'm sure I'm dehydrated (dry mouth, dizzy spells, hardly going to the loo, pee very dark in colour) and I got an appointment for Monday!! So I got to wait 5 more days to see if there is anything they can do.

Just want this to be over now, struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel and wondering if I am really ready for all this? :cry:
i was prescribed tablets - cyclizine valoid xx
I hope you don't mond me butting in, but I believe I am possibly a bit of an expert with this area. I had Hyperemesis Gravadarium for nearly 18 weeks so I can firstly symperthise if you feel sick, and secondly reccomend that you go to your GPs to discuss your options.

What I didn't realize with the sickness, is that it is so crucial to keep yourself hydrated and and keep and eye on your blood sugar levels. If you find in time that you are admitted to hospital with sickness they will look for something in your urine called ketones which are an idication of when your body starts to basically feed of itself because you are not hydrated pr you haven't eaten anything.
This infact can be TOXIC for a baby so make sure you get yourself plenty of fluids and if you feel at any point unwell and you cant stomach much, then get your self down the GP and ask them to check your ketones. If you have more than 2 kentones in your pee then they will most probably admit you to hospital and put you on a drip to "bring you back to life".

Generally for me, sickness was a way of telling me that your no1 dehydrated and no2 your low in sugar in your body. I would suggest that you chart your sickness levels through the day and if your nauseated all the time like me then find a drink you like IE lucazade, lemonade, appletiser and keep that with you and sip it all the time. Fizzy drinks help you burp which strangly relieves the nasea and sickness.

Each time you feel sick chart this down on a daily basis so that you can try foods to help your sickness. By some glucose powder as a substitue for sugar as sugar can be too much and have sweet teas or maybe some digestive biscuits. Eat when you want and what you want. Its good to be healthy but above all of it you can go without food but not without water! My midwife said they would keep me on a drip for days and not worry about me eating so long as your producing fluids for your baby.

In the long run you find things impossible to keep down and you can't cope then there is a anti sickness drug called Cyclizine. I am not a doctor and I am not reccommeding you take this. Everyone is different! I was prescribed this by my GP because when you are diagnosed with HG, it is very difficult to keep a single drop of water down. They will allow you to have this if you have ketones in your urine and your very unwell. Cyclizine is recommended in most hospitals for sever sickness but i would suggest before you ask for anything, learn to repond to what your body needs. Hope this helps xxxxx
By the way...There is definatly light at the end of your tunnel. Hard to imagine now but I can assure you It will pass when it wants to. Just think, your baby is having a whale of a time but unfortunatly your wearing it xxxx
ha! my sickness never stopped even with the cyclizine but it helped a lot! i was sick the whole 9 months day and night and i mean all day and all night!! lol i lost two stone during preg, but yeah u have some valid points bout fluids etc! my gp recommended coke and chocolate when i was feeling really low just for energy!! she is worth EVERY second of the painful 9 months!! xxx
OMG ems and piglet, Im sorry u both had such a rough time during ur pregnancies!! Seem to feel a bit better today, the longer I sleep at night (over 10 hours) the better i feel in the morning to stomach anything. the more tired i am the worse i feel. so just have to make sure i get plenty of sleep!! Going to hard when i start at 5.30am some mornings!!

I haven't tried much fizzy drinks, but i have noticed that burping does ease the symptoms so might have to try some more of that. I have tried a variety of different foods, sometimes they go down then the next i bring it up so not quite sure what to do there!!

Thank you for all the advice ems and i hope u aren't suffering from the sickness any more. xx
It gets better. It hasn't completely gone but learning about what your body needs when you not nessessaraly wanting "that peice of chocolate" or a "bowl of dried ceral", Is such a good thing. You end up avoiding feeling terrible.

Also don't know if you are aware but being in a passenger seat whilst driving can bring on sickness really badly. It did for me. And try to have a cool bath or shower. Heat makes sickness worse.

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