Morning/ all day sickness


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2011
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OMG I'm so fed up of this I'm now 8+3 and it's literally 4 or more times a day. Doc prescribed meds but they aren't doing anything at all. It's got worse this last few days.

How is everyone else coping ?

I'm the same Hun. Have been since 6 weeks. It's horrible especially when I'm at work. With it being warm it makes it worse too. :-( bring on tri 2!!!
Same here, and it's been much worse for the last week. I bought the anit nausea wrist bands and try to snack all day, but I'm not sure if either really are working. Hopefully it doesn't last too long!
OMG I'm so fed up of this I'm now 8+3 and it's literally 4 or more times a day. Doc prescribed meds but they aren't doing anything at all. It's got worse this last few days.

How is everyone else coping ?


i know how you feel
with my first i had morning sickness from moment i woke up till i fell asleep again and that was every single day from 7 wks to 16 wks

then the same happened in this pregnancy only my mw said i had hyperemesis this time and sent me to hospital for an injection which really helped for a while then it came back once it had worn off and it all finally went at week 18 lol xxx
Hi there - I really sympathise. Just back from my second overnight stay in hospital within a week. Was diagnosed with hyperemesis and had +++ ketones so 5 drips later and various drugs and beginning to feel human again.

Just a word of advice to any other sufferers - the first time I was discharged they sent me home with cyclizine tablets (I had this in hospital through the IV and it worked well but notoriously less effective in oral form). However, 3 days later it just lost all effectiveness and I was back throwing EVERYTHING up.

This time they've also given me Metoclopramide which (fingers crossed) seems to be more effective but I had to really push for them to give me something other than cyclizine. Obviously, in pregnancy you have to be careful but I don't want to make the hospital trips a weekly outing!
ooh this was me i had morning noon and middle of the night sickness ALL the time right up until the day i had her!! on the plus side i didnt gain any weight and lost two stone and she still got what she needed and i had a healthy chunk of 8lb 1!! good luck!! xx

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