
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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hi i dont know if anyone remembers moonpie from ttc, she was ttc via sperm donation.

Yes, I had Zoie on May 5th. My amniotic fluid got really low and the dr was afraid that she would compress on the umbilical cord so she induced me three weeks early. I had a ridiculously EASY labor and delivery!!!! I couldn't have asked for it to be any better. Zoie weighed 6 lbs and 10 oz, and was 20 in long....she lost down to 6 lbs and 1 oz before we left the she was really tiny to me. She is a chubby little thing now though. It is so hard to believe how much she has grown in the last five weeks and five days. I had to go back for my check up last week and I went to her dr's office just to have them weigh her and she weighed 9 lbs and 2.5 oz. She was terrible jaundiced for the first two weeks and i had to take her back and forth to get her blood drawn every day and that was very tiring....but she is fine now. She doesn't sleep very good at night....seems she has her days and nights mixed up. She sleeps all day long. I have tried to keep her awake some, but she just will not wake up. Hopefully, that will change soon. Thanks so much for writing and asking about us. Tell every one I said hello. Hope all is going good your way!!!
I was only thinking about her the other day, but didn't ask on here as I couldn't remember her name, just that she was pg by sperm donation!

Pass on my congrats Davina! What a great birth story, hope mine is as easy.
I was thinking about her the other day too!! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!! xx
Congratulations hun! well done xxx :dance: :dance:
congrats to moonpie! and great name choice... :D :lol:
AWwww bless its great news! I was TTC at the same time and wondered what happened.

Sending my love moonspieb and if your reading let us know!

Well done you i am so pleased for you honey, congratulations!
I didnt know her, but I think that is such great news!

CONGRATS to her and masive hugs! :D
I do remember moonpie.
So pleased for her. Pass on my congratulations.
Lorrie :clap: xx

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