Mmmmm.... FOOOOOOOD!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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ruben has been having some solids for the last week (in addition to, not instead of, breastmilk) and he LOVES it! ok, it's early, i know - but he was SO ready for it! i almost felt guilty the first time i gave him baby rice because of what the HVs have drilled into my head, but when i saw how much he loved it i knew i had done the right thing. and now i'm proud that i read ruben's signs and did what was right for him even though i know a lot of people will say it's not the right thing to do.

he's had baby rice with apple puree, and baby rice with mashed banana for breakfast, and for dinner he has had carrot puree and swede puree, and sometimes pureed apple for pudding. i expected him not to want it to start off with, but from the word "go" he has been opening up wide and getting impatient between spoonfuls - not to mention really upset when it's all gone! lol :lol: i have to give him the second boobie almost straight away afterwards and he still drinks like ther is no tomorrow! the greedy boy!

i have now discovered the joys of orange baby sick! niiiice :shock:

i'm off to the market today to get some lovely organic fruit and veg and make up big batches of food for him! must make room in the freezer!

here he is this morning enjoying his breakfast of baby rice with apple puree:



not the best quality pics, but i took them with my phone whilst feeding a very impatient little boy!
awww bless him typical bloke thinking bout his tum tum
gr8 pics hun
Alex is the same - having three meals a day but still wants lots of milk!!

i think you're right - you can tell when they are ready.

i was trying to breast feed alex in the care on saturday while eating a burger king whopper - little piggy kept pulling off the boob and making a grab for my whopper instead! - blooming thing is nearly as big as his head but he wanted it anyway!

as good as he is with food i dont think he is ready for burgers just yet!

*L* He's a cute little fellow isn't he? Obviously LOVING his apple. Is it just me or do they generally. Naomi had her first taste of apple and has been gorging on it ever since! She actually grumbles when I take the spoon away.

Best of luck with Ruben's weaning, Petchy.

Em78 said:
Alex is the same - having three meals a day but still wants lots of milk!!

i think you're right - you can tell when they are ready.

i was trying to breast feed alex in the care on saturday while eating a burger king whopper - little piggy kept pulling off the boob and making a grab for my whopper instead! - blooming thing is nearly as big as his head but he wanted it anyway!

as good as he is with food i dont think he is ready for burgers just yet!


haha Seren does that, and when we eat dinner she wants a spoon to hold. JHowever she also has a thing for bottles of lager but I don't think she is ready for that!
Beanie you are so mean - cant she just have a can or two? :lol:

Alex gives me filthy looks when i eat chocolate. its like he somehow knows that its the best food ever and mummy isnt sharing! must have been all the choc i ate in the last few weeks when i was off - addicted to choc before birth :D

No way, she can stick with her wine like the rest of us!!!! :wink:
i was thinking vodka for ruben, as i don't have any wine or lager in the house... :lol: :lol: hmm, maybe i'll wait just a little while, he might start raiding the drinks cabinet!

so no alcohol for him just yet... but he definitely enjoys his food! mum and i had lunch in town today and ruben was on my lap - he kept opening his mouth and making "eating" movements with his lips as the fork went by! he looked up at me as if to say "hey, where's my food?!" :lol: cooking him some sweet potato now, let's see how that goes down!
Bless him!!

Beanie - this is Seren and Ella (she's always making a grab for DH's lager bottles!)

Yesterday she was trying to grab my mini sausage roll - had nightmarish visions of her being one of those babies sucking on a sausage roll whilst in their buggies - yeuch! :lol:

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