Mix feeding............


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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I recently started college part time and up until Monday this week had been expressing like a loon at every break time which I was finding very difficult for various reason, such a having to express in the toilets, having no time to eat, not managing to express as often as his feeds so it would take until Sunday to build up a better supply and the whole thing would be starting all over again.

Well, I this week he had some EBM and some SMA gold on the days I was in college. He seems fine and happy and slept very well last night, no change from the norm. So my plan is to begin mix feeding him, but the thought of me having to give him a bottle is filling me with dread. I would love to be able to feed him fully myself on the days I’m not in college but it’s proving difficult and he doesn’t finish any feed, apart from first thing, satisfied. My plan is to feed him myself except from between 9 and 4. Are there any mix feeders out there, if so, how do you find it?

I’m now questioning whether I’m being selfish for going to college, I feel like I should really be putting him first and not leaving him at a few months old. On the other hand ILOVE college and want to be able to help support our family at some point.

I just don’t know :doh:

Ha, I’ve just read through this post and realised it’s very, very unhinged- I just needed to let my thoughts out.

Alex xxx
Just wanted to say please don't feel guilty for going to college, as you said college= qualification=better prospects= better things for you son so its justified within yourself and its not 24/7 you're there...

Dont feel bad, he is going to have your love and attention for his entire life and you going to college isnt going to change that.

I started topping Sam up with formula when I couldn't express enough. (Used to express about 9.30pm so DH could give him his 10.30pm feed and I could get an early night!). Then Sam started getting really faffy at his 6pm feed, so now I BF him at 6 as much as I can with a very wriggly windy baby, and then give him an extra 3 oz of formula. I've now stopped expressing as I was struggling to even get 1oz, and so now his 10.30pm is just formula. Used to use Aptimal ready made cartons, but now use Hipp Organic powder.

I find the bottle a god send at the end of a tiring day breastfeeding! As I said, Sam is such a windy baby that feeding can take upto an hour and even then I'd sometimes feel he's not satisifed, so the half bottle feed at 6 and full bottle feed at 10.30pm are actually becoming more of a pleasure because it's so easy.

Anyway, don't feel bad - you can always try i out and if it's not for you, you can think of something else.

L xx
I have been giving DD one bottle a day since she was about 3 months old she goes about 6 hours with her bottle in between without being breast fed and it works fine for me. Im sure you will find a routine that works for you and don't feel bad about bad leaving him as the others have said its not 24/7.
don't feel bad, your doing what you have to do to keep your baby happy and healthy. i think i am going to have to start doing the same as im about to get very busy with my choreography. :hug: :hug: :hug: to whatever you do, you'll always get the support here
Aww, thanks girls- your post have cheered me up a bit.

He's just had a bottle and then a little top up from me, I'm thinking this will be the way I go during the days I'm with him. I'll fill him up with formula but give him some BM too, this way he won't be hungry and we can both enjoy the BF.

I have to hold him really far from me when giving him a bottle because he will turn his head if hes anywhere near my boobs :lol:
oh hun you arent selfish for going to college at all!

huge hugs :hug:

we mix feed *mostly bottle* and we cope fine.. you just have to be strong not to give in and give a bottle instead bfing all the time :) its very easy to fall into a routine of making up bottles and then thinking.. oh i have to use them so ill just bottle feed him this fed :wall:
I mix fed Isaac and really it was the best of both worlds to be honest, we co-slept so always had a good morning and evening feed on the breast, throughout the day OH could feed him as it was formula and bottle, in your case that works well for the daytime as you're at college, I'd just suggest maybe keeping up with just BF'ing when you're home and see how it goes? Good luck with the course, we always feel guilty for trying our best for our babies, you do what you feel is right, don't be too hard on yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
i mix-fed Holly from about 8/9wks just one bottle of formula before bed and it was a godsend. We were lucky as she was a good sleeper so if she ever woke up was just a quick 10min boob feed and then she'd be back off til morning.

It meant OH was able to do bedtime as well and took the pressure off. I was giving her ebm from about 3/4wks too so OH could do more feeding.

I stopped b/f at 5.5mths cos I was going to back to work and it wasnt practical. I wish I could have at least done 1 b/f a day for longer but that cant always happen
I did the same when I had Tia.. :) When I was at Uni, I'd leave her with a bottle of formula because I couldn't express enough off... Mix feeding means you get the best of both worlds and you still get that lovely cuddly booby feed first thing in the morning when they are all sleepy and cuddly and last thing at night.. :)
I'm sooo glad this post was here! I'm thinking of doing the same! My little boy is 6 weeks old now & been bf from day 1. I know i'm REALLY lucky as we have never had any probs with it....not even a sore nipple!? I had a c-section, followed by an infection (week4) so haven't been able to drive or been out much other than to family/friends. Now i'm feeling better and sooo itching to get out and about independently with my LO and feel BF is standing in the way....i know some people wont agree, but thats how i feel :? He is also very windy and i seem to have had to cut out most of my fav foods :( cheese, tomatoes, eggs, some fruits etc. I just don't know what to do??? I'm also bit confused as to how it all works ie: if i end up by just BF in the morn and eve and in a few months LO has a night with Nanny, what will happen to my milk supply? will i have to express it off? or would it be ok for one night? What about an evening out...would i have to sneak off to express??!
thanks for listening!
Misskeza said:
I'm also bit confused as to how it all works ie: if i end up by just BF in the morn and eve and in a few months LO has a night with Nanny, what will happen to my milk supply? will i have to express it off? or would it be ok for one night? What about an evening out...would i have to sneak off to express??!
thanks for listening!

For one night you would probably be ok, whast I have done is left my boobs all the while I'm out and then express when I get in and chuck the milk away. You don't actually have to do this but I do it more for comfort. We went to a wedding a few weeks back and Rudy had his last feed from me at 5pm, I didn't express then until 3am (just for comfort and then fed him myself at 10am and found my supply was fine.
TBH, it much more a comfort thing when you're out for just the night.

Alex xxx
I mix feed Oscar, well he has one bottle of formula before bed and has done pretty much since week one. I was so exhausted from breastfeeding and the formula is the only thing that makes him sleep for longer than about twenty minutes. I've now been advised by the paediatrician to introduce another bottle of formula due to slow weight gain. Oscar seems fine on the mix :D Good to hear Rudy is enjoying it too :)

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